Page 143 - Liability Insurance IC74
P. 143

Guide for Liability Insurance

irrelevant in the case of death and the accident had taken
place 'in the course of and out of employment'.

Q2. Enumerate the information which is submitted by
         the proposer to the underwriter for the acceptance
         of proposal under Products Liability Insurance.

Ans. The following information needs to be submitted by the
         proposer to the underwriter for the acceptance of the
         proposal under Products Liability Insurance.
         (a) Name and address of the Proposer.

         (b) Location for distribution.

         (c) Length of experience in the business.

         (d) Full details of products manufactured with leaflets,
              brochures etc.

         (e) Full details of hazardous products.

         (f) Directions for use.

         (g) Disclaimer Notices, guarantees or warranties.

         (h) Quality Control Systems.

         (i) Compliance with standards like ISI.

         (j) Complaints/Accidents Reporting System.

         (k) Particulars of: (i) new products to be marketed
              during the next 12 months.
              (ii) Products discontinued recalled or withdrawn
                   during the last 5 years.

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