Page 144 - Liability Insurance IC74
P. 144
The Insurance Times
(iii) Products subject to any enquiry by any
Government agency.
(l) Actual turnover and projected turnover of goods
sold, repaired, serviced etc for past 3 years.
(m) 3 years sales turnover: (i) domestic (ii) USA, Canada
(iii) OECD countries (iv) Other countries.
(n) Limit of Indemnity - AOA/AOY
(o) Voluntary excess
(p) Claims history for the last 3 years.
(q) Insurance History.
(r) Details of assets, representation, association (e.g,
financial, securities etc) in USA, Canada and other
(s) Copy of the contract with the vendors, if vendors'
endorsement is required.
(t) Declaration Clause.
Q3. Outline the provisions of PLI Act 1991 in respect
Ans: a) Award of relief - Application for claim for relief
has to be made to the collector, who after holding an
enquiry may make an award determining the amount
and specifying to whom it should be paid.
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