Page 199 - Liability Insurance IC74
P. 199
Guide for Liability Insurance
any act of the vendor which changes the condition of
the products. (b) any fittings or manual work etc,
alterations to the product by the vendor.(c) products
which have been labelled or relabelled use as a container
or part of the product by the vendor.(d) any failure, (i)
to maintain the product in merchantable condition. (ii)
to make such inspections, tests or servicing as the
vendor has agreed to make in connection with the
distribution of sale of the products. (e) bodily injury or
property damage occurring within the vendor's premises.
The insurance does not apply to any person or
organisation who in the insured has acquired such
products or any part forming part of such products.
Q3. Answer any 3:
Ans: Under what scenarios are general damages awarded -
'Damage' means the pecuniary compensation
irrecoverable by civil action for breach of contract or
for tort. General damages comprise damages for (i) pain,
suffering and distress.(ii) loss of enjoyment of life and
loss of amenities. (iii) loss of recreational ability and
(iv) loss of reduced expectation of life.
As per Court's directives, General damages can also be
awarded for : (i) the ongoing net loss of earnings
(prospective loss of income). (ii) the ongoing medical,
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