Page 252 - Liability Insurance IC74
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The Insurance Times

         resulted from the accident.

      There should be a causal relation between the accident
      and the duties which he is required to perform by the
      employer. The act should not be foreign to the

Q10.  The directors and officers of a company are faced
Ans.  with diverse risks. How will insurance protect
      them? Explain with suitable coverages and
      Ref Q10 (b) of May 2007 & Q3 of Nov 2008

      These policies, though popular in UK and USA has been
      newly introduced in India. Directors and officers of
      companies hold positions of trust and they are
      responsible to their company, the shareholders, the
      employees, and public at large. They may become liable
      to pay for damages for wrongful acts such as failure of
      supervision of the affairs of the company etc. Apart
      from common law responsibilities, the duties of directors
      under the Companies Act relate to the prudent
      management of the Company. These duties can be
      delegated to the members of management .Specific
      duties may also be expressed in the Articles of

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