Page 72 - Liability Insurance IC74
P. 72

The Insurance Times

              premises that a person occupies, committed by or
              on behalf of its owner or landlord or lessor.

         (iv) Oral or written publication of material that slanders
              or libels a person or organization or disparages a
              person or organization's goods, products or services.

         (v) Oral or written material that violates a person's right
              of privacy.

         (vi) Infringing upon another's copyright, trade dress or
              slogan in one's advertisement.

         (b) Stop loss treaty - Stop Loss treaty is a variation of
         the excess of loss treaty. The treaty operates in respect
         of the annual loss ratio incurred and not in respect of
         any fixed amount of the underlying retention. The treaty
         is arranged to cover, say, 80% a percentage of all losses
         in excess of a loss ratio, of say, 90% up to and including
         a loss ratio of say 120%.

         The reinsurer's liability arises when the loss ratio
         exceeds the agreed percentage. It is usual to limit the
         reinsurer's liability to a maximum amount, in addition to
         the percentage limit. It is observed that the ceding
         company has to bear 20% of all losses in excess of the

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