Page 75 - Liability Insurance IC74
P. 75
Guide for Liability Insurance
and other earnings separately for employees drawing
Rs.4000 or more per month. This information is
elicited separately for (a)clerical, (b)commercial
travellers, (c)employees engaged with woodworking
machineries and (d)other categories.
(iv) if the proposer wants to insured is liability to the
workmen of contractors/subcontractors, then the
following information is required - (a) name of
contractors (b) nature of work sublet (c) estimated
amount of contract labour only/labour and material.
(v) information required to ascertain if the premises are
a 'factory' according to the Factories Act , and if
there are boilers, are they registered under the Indian
Boilers Act.
(vi) full particulars of any circular saws, or other
machineries driven by steam, gas, water, electricity
or other electrical power, any acids, gases, chemicals
or explosives, if used.
(vii)details of past insurance history, total wages paid
and accidents of employees during the past three
years. Whether the accidents where fatal, or resulted
into permanent or temporary disablement.
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