Page 89 - Liability Insurance IC74
P. 89

Guide for Liability Insurance

as insured in the Schedule; (ii) the total liability of the
Company or damage is inclusive of Defence Costs. (iii)
in respect of all claims made against the Insured during
the currency of Insurance.(iv) shall not exceed the limit
of indemnity for the policy period stated in the Schedule.

There is only one limit which is applicable to the policy
period. This is an overall limit which applies to all claims
against the insured, qualified assistants, nurses etc.
However, the Schedule provides that Indemnity Limit
per Any One Claim is limited to maximum of 25% of
Limit of Indemnity Any One Year. These limitations on
indemnity however differ for insurers.

2. Claims series clause - the provisions this clause are:
(i) where a series losses and/or bodily injuries and/or
deaths; (ii) are attributable, directly or indirectly, to the
same cause or error or omission in the discharge of
professional services; (iii) all such claims are added
together and treated as one claim; (iv) such claim shall
be deemed to have been made at that point in time when
the first of the claims was made in writing. (v) No
coverage for claims of the same cause, which made
later than three years after the first claim of the series.

3. Special exclusions under the policy - the special

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