Page 10 - The Insurance Times January 2025
P. 10


                                            IRDAI  to  Limit  Insurers'        report criticizes the regulator's ap-
           Private Insurers Likely                                             proach as "misdirected," noting that
                                            Reliance on Parent Banks
           to Benefit from Com-                                                changes to distribution models may
                                            The Insurance Regulatory and Devel-  deter investors and undermine listed
           posite Licence Amend-            opment  Authority  of  India  (IRDAI)  insurers' performance.

           ment                             plans to curb life insurers' heavy reli-  While  IRDAI  aims  to  reduce
                                            ance on parent banks for selling poli-
           The government's proposal to in-                                    overdependence on bank channels, the
                                            cies,  aiming  to  promote  balanced
           troduce composite licences under  growth across multiple distribution  report highlights that persistency data
           the Insurance Act is expected to  channels. Bancassurance, a partner-  suggests bancassurance-driven insur-
           favor private insurers, leaving pub-  ship between banks and insurers, has  ers perform relatively well. Industry
           lic sector insurers at a disadvan-  faced  criticism  for  mis-selling  and  leaders have expressed concerns over
                                                                               regulatory uncertainty, including im-
           tage. The amendment, part of the  forced policy purchases.          pending changes under the Insurance
           proposed Insurance (Amendment)   IRDAI has formed a task force to re-  Amendment Bill 2024. The task force
           Act, 2024, allows private insurers  view the current framework and will  reviewing bancassurance is expected
           to operate across life, health, and
                                            issue a draft seeking stakeholder feed-  to propose reforms to improve trans-
           general insurance under a single  back.  While  officials  acknowledge  parency and efficiency while address-
           licence.  However,  PSU  insurers  bancassurance's efficiency, they em-  ing consumer complaints of mis-selling.
           would require additional amend-  phasize the need for diversification to
           ments to the Life Insurance Corpo-  ensure long-term industry stability. Finance Ministry Proposes
           ration Act, 1956, and the General  Critics argue that overregulation could
           Insurance  Business  (Nationali-  stifle sector growth. Both the Finance  Insurer Diversification Be-
           sation) Act, 1972, to access the  Minister  and  IRDAI  chairman  have yond Core Operations
           same benefits.                   stressed the need to restore customer  The Finance Ministry has proposed al-
                                            trust while urging banks to focus on  lowing insurers to expand into services
           Experts warn this could hinder PSU
                                            core banking services.             like  guarantees,  property  manage-
           insurers in competing with their
           private counterparts, who already                                   ment, and employee welfare funds, as
                                                                               part of its draft Insurance Amendment
           dominate the domestic market.    IRDAI's  Bancassurance
                                                                               Bill. The draft, open for comments
           The amendment also includes pro-  Cap Risks Sector Growth:          until December 10, 2024, also suggests
           visions for increasing FDI to 100%  Report                          composite licences, reduced capital
           and  reducing  capital  require-                                    requirements, and increased foreign
           ments. Stakeholders have raised  A report by Emkay Research warns   direct investment to 100%.
                                            that IRDAI's plans to limit the share of
           concerns over the inequitable play-
                                            bancassurance in life insurance could  Notably, provisions for distributing fi-
           ing field created by the proposed  stifle industry growth without address-  nancial products like mutual funds have
                                            ing the root issue of mis-selling. The  been dropped, despite calls from insur-
                                                                           The Insurance Times  January 2025   9
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