Page 12 - The Insurance Times January 2025
P. 12


                                                                               government employees can claim medi-
                                                                               cal  reimbursement  for  emergency
                                                                               treatment at hospitals not empanelled
           HDFC Ergo to Roll Out Cashless Post-Hospitalisation                 under the Central Government Health
           Claims                                                              Scheme (CGHS). Justice Jyoti Singh em-
           HDFC Ergo, a leading non-life insurance provider, is set to launch a cashless  phasized the paramount importance of
           claims facility for post-hospitalisation treatments, making it one of the first  preserving human life, ruling in favor
           in the sector to offer this service. Unlike the current practice of reimburse-  of Seema Mehta, who sought Rs 5.85
           ment for such claims, this facility will enable policyholders to settle expenses  lakh in reimbursement for brain sur-
           seamlessly through HDFC Ergo's 'HERE' app.                          gery following a road accident.
           The app, which already has 70 lakh downloads, will facilitate cashless settle-  Mehta was initially denied reimburse-
           ments without increasing the policy load. Chief Business Officer Parthanil  ment as her treatment occurred at Sir
           Ghosh announced that the initiative will debut by mid-December 2024. HDFC  Ganga  Ram  Hospital,  which  is  not
           Ergo paid Rs 2,900 crore in claims nationally in FY24, including Rs 147 crore  CGHS-empanelled. The court observed
                                                                               that life-threatening situations neces-
           in West Bengal. With over 56,000 claims settled in West Bengal in H1 FY25,
           the company aims to enhance health insurance inclusion and convenience.  sitate timely medical care, and deny-
                                                                               ing reimbursement under such circum-
                                                                               stances is unjust. The ruling reinforces
                                                                               the state's obligation to ensure access
         India Eyes Ayush Insurance         already collaborated with 103 nations
                                            to promote the Ayush system and in-  to critical medical treatment for its
         for Foreign Nationals              troduced Ayush visas for medical tour-  employees, even outside the CGHS
         The Ministry of Ayush is reviewing a  ism. Guidelines issued by IRDAI man-  network.
         proposal to introduce insurance pack-  date 100% coverage for Ayush treat-
         ages for foreign nationals seeking tra-  ments under health insurance products  AI Revolutionizes Cancer
         ditional  Indian  treatments  under  beginning April 2024. The Ayush mar-  Care in India
         Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani,  ket in India has surged to $43.4 billion  Artificial intelligence (AI) is transform-
         Siddha, and Homeopathy (Ayush). The  in 2023, driven by growing global de-  ing cancer care in India by enabling
         initiative stems from a suggestion by  mand for traditional healthcare solu-  early detection, accurate diagnoses,
         the European Business and Technology  tions.                          and   personalized   treatments.
         Centre and is part of efforts to boost                                Bengaluru-based Strand Life Sciences,
         medical tourism.                   Delhi HC Allows Medical            in partnership with global firms, has
         Union Minister Shripad Naik confirmed  Reimbursement for Non-         leveraged AI to improve melanoma
         ongoing discussions with several coun-                                detection, streamline breast cancer
         tries to make Ayush treatments eligible  CGHS Hospitals               screenings, and optimize treatment
         for health insurance claims. India has  The Delhi High Court has ruled that  planning.

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