Page 13 - The Insurance Times January 2025
P. 13

AI-powered tools, with accuracy rates  the pandemic, reflecting a shift toward  compared to just 7,500 in FY23, mark-
          exceeding 94%, are aiding tumor char-  robust health insurance options.  ing a 1,910% rise. The claim rejection
          acterization and enhancing precision                                 rate jumped to 1.25%, up from 0.06%
          oncology. Experts highlight AI's role in  Star  Health  Reports  No  the previous year, primarily due to
          reducing drug discovery costs and pre-                               stricter scrutiny regarding non-disclo-
          dicting patient outcomes. With its in-  Impact from Data Breach,     sure of pre-existing conditions and
          tegration into cancer care, Indian hos-  Growth on Track             lapses in policy renewals.
          pitals are setting benchmarks for using  Star Health & Allied Insurance has as-  The total number of claims filed grew
          technology to improve patient out-  sured customers of no financial impact  by 15% to 1.2 crore, yet only 71% of
          comes and resource efficiency, signal-  or  data  misuse  following  a  recent  claims by value were settled. Insurers
          ing a new era in healthcare innova-  breach linked to compromised pass-  disbursed Rs. 83,493 crore out of Rs.
          tion.                             words of external agents. The com-  1.2 lakh  crore  claimed.  Disallowed
                                            pany has implemented enhanced secu-  claims totaled Rs. 15,100 crore, while
          Demand for Super Top-Up           rity measures, including updated poli-  Rs. 10,937 crore were repudiated fol-
          Health  Insurance  Rises          cies and fortified firewalls, to prevent  lowing  document  scrutiny,  and Rs.
                                            future incidents.                  7,584 crore worth of claims remained
          Post-Covid                                                           outstanding.
                                            Despite the breach, Star Health re-
          Super top-up health insurance plans                                  IRDAI has urged insurers to enhance
                                            ported steady customer retention and
          have gained popularity in India follow-  minimal inquiries. The insurer remains  transparency in claim settlements and
          ing the Covid-19 pandemic, driven by  optimistic about growth, projecting an  clearly communicate the reasons for
          rising medical  costs  and  increased  18% increase in gross written premi-  rejections. It is also considering stan-
          awareness. Data from PolicyBazaar  ums to Rs 18,000 crore in FY25, up  dardized claim procedures to improve
          shows super top-ups now account for  from Rs 15,250 crore in FY24. With a  efficiency and reduce disputes. Policy-
          34.6% of health insurance premiums in                                holders are advised to disclose accurate
                                            focus on cybersecurity, the company
          FY24, up from 10.5% in FY19.      spends 1.5% of its premiums annually  medical histories, understand policy
          These plans cover expenses beyond the  on technology, positioning itself as an  terms, and ensure timely premium pay-
          base policy's threshold, providing af-  industry leader in digital resilience.  ments to avoid future rejections.
          fordable, comprehensive coverage.
          Industry experts attribute the surge to  Health  Insurance  Claim    Health  Insurers  Process
          medical inflation, which stands at 14%,                              71% of Rs. 1.2 Lakh Crore
          and growing consumer recognition of  Rejections Surge in FY24
          the inadequacy of lower coverage poli-  India witnessed a sharp increase in Claims in FY24
          cies. The average base policy sum in-  health insurance claim rejections dur-  In the financial year 2023-24, health
          sured has doubled to Rs 10 lakh since  ing FY24, with 1.5 lakh claims denied  insurance  companies  in  India  pro-
                                                                               cessed over 3 crore claims totaling Rs.
                                                                               1.2 lakh crore. Of these, approximately
           Health Insurance Claim Sizes Surge by 30% in Three                  2.7  crore  claims  amounting  to  Rs.

           Years                                                               83,493 crore were settled, represent-
                                                                               ing 82% of the claims by volume and
           Health insurance claim amounts in India have risen by over 30% in three  71.3% by value.
           years, driven by higher medical costs and increased coverage options, ac-
           cording to PolicyBazaar. The average claim in FY25 stands at Rs 81,000,  The remaining claims were either dis-
                                                                               allowed, repudiated, or remained out-
           with Tamil Nadu leading at Rs 1.13 lakh.
                                                                               standing.  Claims  worth  Rs.  15,100
           Post-Covid medical inflation, estimated at 14%, has significantly raised treat-  crore were disallowed as they did not
           ment costs. Insurers report higher claim frequency, particularly among  meet specific policy criteria, while 36
           younger policyholders aged 18-35, who account for 38% of claims. Enhanced  lakh claims totaling Rs. 10,937 crore
           awareness has also spurred demand for add-ons like critical illness and ac-  were repudiated after document scru-
           cidental death covers. Insurers are redesigning policies to include modular  tiny. Additionally, 20 lakh claims valued
           benefits, ensuring customers are protected against rising healthcare ex-  at Rs. 7,584 crore (6.4%) remained
           penses.                                                             outstanding.

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