Page 18 - The Insurance Times January 2025
P. 18

Insurance Demystified

          Customer trust

          and Trust deficit  -

          An oxymoron in

          Trust Continuum                                                          Prof (Dr) Abhijit K.Chattoraj

                                                                                   Chartered Insurer -  Professor and
                                                                                    Director -Executive Program and
                                                                                  Consulting - IMS Unison University,
                                                                                                 Dehradun, India.

           Trust is a much-used, misused, and  often abused  word  in insurance terminology. The entire
           insurance business is executed based on trust, yet misselling occurs in routine regularity, misusing
           the trust used to garner the business.

         T        rust is a much-used, misused, and often abused  thiness would lead to exploitation. Confucius elaborates that
                                                              trustworthiness is considered the most sought-after trait
                  word in insurance terminology. The entire insur-
                                                              while employing someone. The qualities like strength, abil-
                  ance business is executed based on trust, yet
                  misselling occurs in routine regularity, misusing ity to flatter, or eloquence matter only when one is trust-
          the trust used to garner the business. Insurers abuse trust  worthy. Good governance flourishes when one person can
          when genuine claims are not paid or are inordinately de-  rely on someone. In the Analects, Confucius urged his dis-
          layed for want of adequate domain knowledge. The power  ciple Tzu-Kung that good governance depends primarily on
          of trust is immense. Trust defines the corporate success the easy availability of food to feed its population, military
          today. Trusted organizations are relied upon by customers  prowess to protect its people, and trustworthiness reposed
          while making a purchase decision. The presence of trustwor-  on the ruler. All these three pillars are essential, but If the
          thiness allows a person to take control of others. Insurers  people do not find the ruler trustworthy, the state will not
          have not used the power of trustworthiness to dispel grave  stand. Trustworthiness, righteousness, ritual propriety, and
          doubts and apprehensions that mire the insurance business.  wisdom are strong virtues. However, trustworthiness is the
          Trust deficit as a result is palpable everywhere which cer-
          tainly is a bane. Customer trust and Trust deficit, thus, an
                                                                     Ì ® « ­ ¬  ¼»º·½ ·¬  ¿­   ¿ ®»­ « ´¬ ·­   °¿´°¿¾ ´»
          oxymoron in the continuum of trust. One moves away from
          full trust as and when a trust deficit creeps into any cus-  »ª »® § ©¸ »® »  ©¸ ·½ ¸   ½ »® ¬¿·² ´§  ·­   ¿ ¾ ¿² »ò
          tomer relationship.                                    Ý « ­ ¬± ³ »®  ¬® « ­ ¬ ¿² ¼ Ì ® « ­ ¬ ¼»º·½ ·¬ô ¬¸ « ­ ô ¿²
                                                                  ± ¨ § ³ ± ® ± ²  ·²  ¬¸ » ½ ± ² ¬·² « « ³  ± º ¬® « ­ ¬ò Ñ ² »
          'In the Analects, Confucius maintains that a trustworthy  ³ ± ª »­  ¿©¿§  º® ± ³  º« ´´ ¬® « ­ ¬ ¿­  ¿² ¼ ©¸ »²  ¿
          person is given responsibility." In other words, a person  ¬® « ­ ¬  ¼»º·½ ·¬  ½ ® »»°­   ·² ¬±  ¿² §  ½ « ­ ¬± ³ »®
          bereft of trustworthiness will not be assigned responsibility.         ® »´¿¬·± ² ­ ¸ ·° ò
          Any form of governance without the element of trustwor-

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