Page 35 - Insurance Times October 2023
P. 35

India's recent

         landing on moon &

         related tidbits of

         Satellite Insurance                                                             Anabil Bhattacharya

                                                                                            Insurance Consultant,
                                                                                   B.M.E. (H) (Jadavpur University)
                                                                                         & F.I.I.I. (I.I.I.), Mumbai,
                                                                                            Former Chief Manage
                                                                                           H.O., N.I.C.L., Kolkata.

             We,  all  the  Indians  were  feeling  very  excited  at  that  moment.  All  Indians  shouted  when
           Chandrayaan-3 landed. It was a very proud moment of our country's extra-ordinary achievement -
           when several people danced to drum beats and chanted slogans. We felt highly proud of our
           country. We saw how the Vikram Lander touched the Moon.

          1. Prologue:                                        completed restoring the requisite communication with
                                                              Chandrayaan-3's Vikram Lander and Pragyan Rover after
          The Lander Module (LM) of the Indian Space Research
                                                              the two were put to be landed there and started monitoring
          Organization's (ISRO) third lunar mission Chandrayaan-3,
          launched on July 14, made a successful landing on the  to collect information on the moon and sending those to all
                                                              of us.
          Moon's surface on August 23, making India only the fourth
          country after the erstwhile USSR, the U.S. and China to make
                                                              Earlier Chandrayaan-1, India's first mission to Moon, was
          a soft landing on the lunar surface. We, all the Indians were
                                                              launched successfully on October 22, 2008 from SDSC SHAR,
          feeling very excited at that moment. All Indians shouted
                                                              Sriharikota. The spacecraft continued orbiting around the
          when Chandrayaan-3 landed. It was a very proud moment
                                                              Moon at a height of 100 km from the lunar surface for
          of our country's extra-ordinary achievement - when several
          people danced to drum beats and chanted slogans. We felt  chemical, mineralogical and photo-geologic mapping of the
          highly proud of our country. We saw how the Vikram Lander
          touched the Moon.
                                                              Subsequently, the next venture Chandrayaan-2 was supposed
          It was an emotional moment for all of us, People in several  to hover above the intended landing site in order to make a
          parts of the country also held special prayers at temples,  soft  vertical  descent  at  'walking  pace'  conveniently.
          mosques and gurdwaras since the early hours of that day,  However, the Lander crashed, or made a hard landing, on
          for the successful landing, while several schools remained  the Moon's surface because of its high velocity. Former ISRO
          open for a few extra hours to enable students to watch the  Chairman K Sivan has revealed that a small error during the
          historic moment there. Now that excitement is over. The  Chandrayaan-2 mission in 2019 led to its failure. However,
          Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has already  he expressed satisfaction that the error was identified and

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