Page 36 - Insurance Times October 2023
P. 36

corrected, finally resulted to the successful landing of the  about the importance of landing of both the lander and the
          Chandrayaan-3 lander on the lunar South Pole.       rover. India's private space-tech sector, already thriving,
                                                              receives a substantial boost from Chandrayaan-3. The
          What  is  the  importance  of  these                successful  mission  fosters  investor  confidence  and
                                                              encourages increased investment in space technology,
          Chandrayaan launching by ISRO?                      driving further innovation and growth. Experts believe
          India launched the Chandrayaan-3 mission to the Moon  Chandrayaan-3  will  accelerate  India's self-reliance  in
          because it wants to learn more about our mysterious  emerging  sectors  and  boost  its  confidence.  Satellite
          neighbor in the sky. Imagine the Moon as a big, rocky  Chandrayaan-3 is a classic lesson on focused perseverance,
          playground in outer space, and we the Earthlings want to  economic innovation and sovereignty in new and emerging
          discover all its secrets.                           technical fields.

          The benefits that may be derived out of sending satellites  For the Chandrayaan-3 mission, ISRO had given an estimate
          to the moon may be mainly the Technological Advancement  of cost of around just Rs 613 Crores ($74 million). ISRO
          -  Chandrayaan-3  will  contribute,  to  technological  scientists said three factors make their missions cost-effective:
          advancements in various sectors, including space research,  Indigenization, ingenuity, affordable manpower. Centum
          engineering, and communication. The mission will drive  Electronics, HAL, Paras Defense and Space Technologies, and
          innovation and foster the development of new technologies,  Walchandnagar  Industries  have  contributed  to  the
          which can be used in other industries. The successful soft-  construction of Chandrayaan-3. Indian steel companies Tata
          landing of Indian Space Research Organization's (ISRO)  Steel and Jindal Stainless played key roles in the success of
          Chandrayaan-3 mission made India the first country to land  the Chandrayaan-3 lunar mission, which landed on the Moon's
          near the south pole on the Moon.                    south pole. Tata Steel said its crane technology helped in
                                                              assembling the Fat-LVM3-M4 rocket.
          This Chandrayaan-3 mission comprises of the Vikram Lander
          and  Pragyan  Rover,  both  of  which  conducted  in-situ  2. Indian Space Policy 2023:
          experiments on the Moon's surface. Indian stocks in the  This year, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
          market that gained on Chandrayaan-3 success include Linde
                                                              released the Indian Space Policy 2023 that had been in the
          India, Centrum Electronics, Avantel, Larsen & Turbo, BHEL,
                                                              works for some years. The policy has been welcomed as a
          BEL, Paras Defence, etc. After landing of Chandrayaan-3  progression towards India's entry in a New Space age.
          latest news: These 13 stocks have added over 20,000 Crores
                                                              However, it needs to be followed up with suitable legislation,
          market cap in first one week after landing.
                                                              accompanied by clear rules and regulations.
          After landing, both Lander 'Vikram' and Rover 'Pragyan' had
                                                              Until the early 1990s, India's space industry and space
          to do the most important work of the mission. After landing,
                                                              economy were defined by ISRO. Private sector involvement
          Rover Pragyaan had gone out of the belly of Vikram and
                                                              was limited to building to ISRO designs and specifications.
          had already ongoing its moon walk. Let us first tell you
                                                              The Indian Space Policy 2023 unveils the government's plan
                                                              to let private enterprises carry out end-to-end activities -
                                                              from launching satellites and rockets into space to operating
                                                              Earth stations.

                                                              What were India's Past Quests to Reform in its
                                                              Space Sector?
                                                                 The  First  Satellite  Communication  Policy:  It  was
                                                                 introduced in 1997, with guidelines for foreign direct
                                                                 investment (FDI) in the satellite industry that were
                                                                 further  liberalized  but  never  generated  much

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