Page 41 - Insurance Times October 2023
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underwriters and "follow the fortunes" of the underwriters,  computer modeling to arrive at premium rates, although
         referred to as "following-on."                       data for calculations is limited. Another aspect of satellite
                                                              insurance is the procedure attached to salvage. Though it
         There  are  four essential phases / types of         is impossible to obtain monetary value from the wreckage
         satellite insurance:                                 in the event of an actual total loss or constructive total loss,
                                                              many insurers rely on sharing any revenue which may be
             Pre-launch insurance, specifically property and cargo
                                                              obtainable from the failed satellite with the insured.
             insurance, covers satellites and rockets prior to launch.
             Pre-launch insurance usually covers risks associated with
             transportation of the satellite from the manufacturing  6. Insurance Regulation:
             facility to the launch site, assembly on the launch pad,  Rules  of  satellite  launch  technology  is  governed  by
             inspection, and pre-lift-off activities. The period of  International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR) in the United
             coverage ends with the intentional ignition or lift-off of  States.  This  regulation  states  that the  details  of  any
             the rocket.                                      technology provided to insurance underwriters are subject
                                                              to strict rules and are provided to selected insurers only. This
             Launch insurance is the most common type of space
                                                              is  an  important  consideration  as  the  structure  and
             satellite insurance. It may extend from six months to
             one year after the launch. Coverage commences where  technology used on launch vehicles is similar to missile
             pre-launch insurance ends. Launch insurance terminates  technology for weapons. Failure to comply with ITAR rules
             when the satellite separates from the rocket and  could result in heavy fines and imprisonment. In cases where
             completes an initial operational phase of functionality  reinsurance coverage is arranged, re-insurers who provide
             testing. The launch period may last approximately 20  such coverage have to rely on very detailed information -
             to 30minutes.                                    scanty information will not support the treaty.
             In-orbit insurance commences after the satellite has
                                                              As with launch insurance, the insured value is an agreed
             completed its initial operational phase of functionality
                                                              value, which at the beginning of the satellite's service life is
             testing, and normal operations in space begin. The life
                                                              based on the replacement value. The sum covers the whole
             expectancy of a satellite is approximately 10 years and
                                                              value of a satellite.
             ends when the satellite's fuel cells deplete.  In-orbit
             insurance  usually consists  of  one-year renewable
                                                              Meanwhile, of the 590 satellites in GEO and 280 in medium
             policies. In order for the insurance companies to renew
                                                              Earth orbit, highly elliptical and other orbits, 238 are insured
             the In-Orbit insurance, they require 'health reports'
                                                              for a total of $24.7 billion.
             from  the  insured  regarding  the  condition  of  the
             satellites. Based on these reports they accept renewed
                                                              AXA XL is a leading insurer in the space insurance industry.
                                                              They work closely with their clients and brokers around the
             Third-party liability space insurance covers legal liability  world to develop innovative, specialized products covering
             arising from damage to a third party during the launch
                                                              all  types  of  spacecraft  and  launch  vehicles  through
             or the in-orbit operations of a satellite program. A
                                                              development. Led by renowned space insurance experts,
             variety of coverage options are available:  personal
                                                              AXA XL also offers a unique and comprehensive suite of
             injury,  property  damage, damage  to Government  space satellite insurance products including pre-launch,
             Authorities launch facilities, loss of revenue, service
                                                              launch, whilst in-orbit, and liability coverage for spacecraft
             interruption, and material changes to ground stations.
                                                              and launch vehicles.
         5. Underwriting Perceptions:
                                                              7. New India Assurance Company is the
         When considering the premium rating structure for satellite
         insurance coverage, during the early days of insurance,  pioneer in India:
         many insurers based their rating according to the launch  India has launched around 80 satellites until now, and one
         vehicle. For example, if the launch vehicle being used had a  name that has been associated with the space programme
         one in ten failure rate, the insurance premium would be ten  throughout has been 'New India'. It was the pioneer of
         per cent of the gross cost. Today, insurers use statistics and  satellite insurance in India and is still the main underwriter

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