Page 46 - Insurance Times October 2023
P. 46


                                            Agents Meet

               Organised by General Insurance Agents Welfare Organisation of India
             (GIAWOI) in association with United India Insurance Company Limited on
                          26th August 2023 at Indumati Sabhagriha, Kolkata

         The seminar started with welcome speech by Sri Gour  combination of lot of things. It is about interaction – entire
         Gopal  Ghosh,  President    &  Chairman  of  Organising  experience – how the behaviour, the attitude the customer
         Committee, GIAWOI. In the Introductory address, Mr.  received – it is the entire intangible perception of the
         Sudipta Sarkar, General Secretary, GIAWOI apprised about  custom that matters. It is not only about price – the
         some recent steps taken by the Government of India which  premium of cause is a matter but the service that is provided
         is going to pose a major challenge for profession of 16 lakhs  that matters.
         General Insurance Agents, the key stakeholders of the  Product differentiation is what that matters in service-
         industry of 2,60,000 Crores.
                                                              oriented insurance. In Insurance we sell service mainly and
         The  Govt  notification  "Insurance  Regulatory  and  not the product only. The service behind selling the product,
         Development Authority of India (Payment of Commission)  matters.
         Regulation 2023", mentions ' No insurer carrying on General  Shri N.C. Mondal, Deputy General Manager, United India
         Insurance  Business in  India  shall  include Expenses of  Insurance Company Ltd, Regional Office- Kolkata spoke on
         Management (EOM) in excess of 30% of gross premium   "Market trend and Opportunities in General Insurance" He
         underwritten in India in a financial year'. As per the previous  shared his experience having witnessed the transformation
         clause the Agents' remuneration was capped to 30% of gross  of this industry since its inception in the 1980s.
                                                              He added that when he embarked on his journey in this field,
         But, as per the current regulation the remuneration of  we could count the number of General Insurance companies
         agents have been included in the EOM. So apprehension was  on one hand - a mere four. Fast forward today, we find
         all over that the agents' commission would certainly be  ourselves amidst a landscape bustling with 34 players. This
         curtailed in the new scenario. He raised concerns that the  exponential growth signifies the immense potential that our
         Agents may have to bear the burnt by capping of expenses  market holds. Yet, let's not be blinded by numbers; despite
         by Insurers.                                         its  growth,  our  market's  penetration  remains
                                                              dishearteningly low, accounting for only about 4% of India's
         Mr. Basudev Sanyal, DGM, UIIC, HO spoke on ‘Strategies
                                                              GDP. Our challenge, and our opportunity, lies in expanding
         for Enhanced Customer Engagement. He quoted Mahatma
         Gandhi who once said, “A customer is the most important  this reach.
         visitor in our premises. He is not dependent on us, we are  In the early days, our market thrived behind closed doors.
         dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work;  Today,  it  stands  as  an  open  market.  We  cannot
         he is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business,  underestimate  the  value  of  pricing  in  this  equation.
         he is part of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving  However, we must also acknowledge the vast expanses that
         him.”                                                remain unexplored -where insurance isn't just a reactive
                                                              solution but a proactive choice. It's not merely about
         So the customer is the very purpose of our business –
                                                              responding to an event; it's about anticipating the future
         purpose of the event agent. To retain a customer is a
                                                              and safeguarding it.
         challenge – converting the lead – to make custom, loyal
         customer. A satisfied customer brings six more customers.  The potential before us is astronomical, akin to a satellite
         Customer  Satisfaction  is  about  perceived  value.  It  is  journeying to the moon. As we embrace this potential, let's

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