Page 51 - Insurance Times October 2023
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            Meeting with Chief Secretary, Government of Gujarat by

            IRDAI, The New India Assurance Co. Ltd. and HDFC Life

                on State Insurance Plan in Gujarat at Gandhinagar

         M          eeting was held with Shri Raj Kumar Chief  efforts for increasing Insurance Penetration in Gujarat State.
                    Secretary, Government of Gujarat, Smt Aarti
                                                              Chief Secretary has informed the Insurers about the various
                    Kanwar, Principal Secretary, Shri J H Gondaliya,
                    Director, Gujarat Insurance Fund by IRDAI Non  Insurance Schemes like Ayushman Bharat and Group Janta
                                                              Personal Accident Scheme run by State Government to cover
          Life Member Shri. Thomas Devasia, Smt. Neerja Kapoor,
                                                              the Health and Life of the people of Gujarat. He has also
          CMD of New India Assurance Co Ltd, Smt Vibha Padalkar ,  discussed with insurers on how to make insurance easily
          MD & CEO HDFC life and other officials of IRDAI, New India
                                                              available to all the general public. He has ensured that
          Assurance and HDFC Life at Gandhinagar to take forward
                                                              State government will provide all required support to the
          proposal of State Insurance Plan in Gujarat.
                                                              Regulator and Lead Insurers under State Insurance Plan .
          Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India  State Government  has  nominated  Smt.  Aarti  Kanwar,
          (IRDAI) regulator for Life and Non-Life Insurance Companies  Principal Secretary as Nodal officer from State under State
          in India has come up with the Proposal of a Comprehensive  Insurance Plan in the meeting.
          State Insurance Plan involving State/UT Administration and
                                                              Members from IRDAI, New India Assurance Co. Ltd and
          insurers  alike, that aims to accelerate the process  of
                                                              HDFC life also conducted meeting with Insurer members of
          implementation of last-mile delivery of insurance services to  State Level Committee under State Insurance Plan earlier
          the uninsured population of all the states. This is line with
                                                              on the same day wherein State heads from 14 Life and Non
          the Vision of ,”Insurance for all” by 2047. This Proposal of
                                                              Life Insurance Companies have participated. In the said
          State Insurance Plan initiated by IRDAI derives inspiration  meeting Shri. Thomas Devasia, IRDAI Non Member has
          from the Government of India’s vision of financial inclusion
                                                              focused on IRDAI's vision of Insurance for all by 2047 and
          and will help in Increasing Insurance Penetration (ratio of
                                                              requested all Insurance Companies to come together to
          premium to GDP/GSDP) in India which is currently at 4.2%  achieve the same. Smt. Neerja Kapoor, CMD, New India
          as on 31.03.2022.
                                                              Assurance Co. Ltd has focused on increasing Insurance
          The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of  penetration in the Gujarat State by covering Uninsured
          India (IRDAI) has appointed The New India Assurance Co Ltd  properties of smaller House Holds and MSMEs and insuring
          and HDFC Life, as the lead life insurer for Gujarat under its  Uninsured Motor vehicles. Smt. Vibha Padalkar, MD & CEO
          State Insurance Plan.                               HDFC Life has focused to take forward the State Insurance
                                                              Plan in Gujarat by allocating Districts among the Insurers
          In meeting with Chief Secretary, IRDAI and Lead Insurers
                                                              and arranging Insurance awareness campaigns. She has
          has focused on covering the property risks of MSMEs, Motor
                                                              talked about Increasing Investment in the State through CSR
          Insurance for Uninsured Vehicles in the State, Retail Health,
                                                              activities and IRDAI initiatives on Bima Vistaar and Bima
          Life & Home Insurance. Chief Secretary was also informed
                                                              Vahak. Shri V K Lodha , DGM, New India Assurance Co. Ltd
          about upcoming IRDAI initiatives on Bima Vistaar and Bima
                                                              Ahmedabad Regional Office has focused on increasing
          Vahak which will aid in increase in Insurance Penetration and
          delivery of insurance at Local level.               Penetration in the State through Awareness, Accessibility
                                                              and Affordability of Insurance in collaborative manner.
          Regulator  and  Lead  Insurers  has  requested  State
          Government to nominate Nodal Officer from State who will  (V.K Lodha)
          co-ordinate with Lead Insurers for making Collaborative  Deputy General Manager

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