Page 50 - Insurance Times October 2023
P. 50

Sri Hans Raj Gangwal, Chief Guest, General Manager,  Claims Service Provider of the year, BFSI Silver for SKOCH
         Marketing, UIIC, HO, Chennai in his address said that the  Awards  2023,  Finnoviti  Awards  2023  Trophy  for
         agents' welfare was his highest preference. He said the  Centralization of Motor Third Party Claims.
         motto of Public Sector Insurance Companies is not just to
                                                              He also gave real life examples of client dealing and servicing
         earn profit but to help in development and growth of the
                                                              whilst he was into operations.
         overall sector. He said United India never cancelled the
         License of Agency force even when business was less or ICR  He asked agents to discuss with clients in details for their
         was high. He said they always tried to hand hold the fellow  needs and keep close coordination with team from local
         agents. He also urged them not to leave the PSU companies  Regional Office to offer best service. Regarding the issues
         with whom they have worked for years together for more  raised by the agents, he assured that it shall be looked into
         commission from other players.                       by top priority.

         He said he still has inclination towards Individual Insurance  Sri Gour Gopal Ghosh, President, GIAWOI in his concluding
         Agents compared to other distribution Channels. I want you  address said that the Seminar aims to bring together our
         to perform. He said if ICR is good, commission will be more.  esteemed Agents and discuss crucial matter pertaining to
         In our company the claim rejection is around 5-6 % whereas  our collective growth and success and motivate the Agents
         in Private Sector, out of 14 Lakhs claims, around 4 Lakhs  to retain their premium in our esteemed company. He said
                                                              many agents are switching off their premium to the Private
         claims are rejected. UIIC is the most ethical company. He
                                                              Players who are alluring them by offering higher commission,
         asked the agents to give stress on field visits and we cannot
         expect business by sitting on table.                 other costs, Foreign Tour, etc. Our Agents community could
                                                              not refrain themselves from these lucrative offers.
         He added that the Claim Settlement Ratio of United India
         Insurance is the best in the country. On 2 June 2023, three  For last one year we, the agent's fraternity is suffering from
                                                              a panic of loss of income as well as loss of profession. Unrest
         trains collided in Balasore district, in the state of Odisha in
                                                              among all the agents throughout the country has been
         eastern India. In the Balasore tragedy our company was very
         prompt to settle the claims.                         observed. So we arranged this meeting and invited the key
                                                              persons of the company to hear from them that our interest
         In case of one policy under Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima  will be protected in the Company and we are safe here to
         Yojana, we settled the claim in 3 hours. Late Bipin Rawat,  run this profession. The challenges and hurdles we are facing
         former Chief of Army Staff died in a helicopter crash with 9  at present is very difficult to overcome unless and until we
         associates on 8th December, 2021. On receipt of papers we  get the backend support from the Company. We are happy
         settled the claim within half an hour.               to receive lot of assurance regarding our existence, means
                                                              for ensuring our Income and our sustainability in this
         Shri Gangwal  also  informed about the recent awards
                                                              Company from the dignitaries present in Dias.
         received by the United  India Insurance  Company  viz.
         Insurance Leaders Meet 2023 & Excellence Awards - Best                            Photographs on page 56

               Cost of treatment doubles in 5 years as medical inflation bites
           The cost of treatment for common ailments that require hospitalisation has more than doubled in five years, data
           from insurance claims show. Health insurance claims for infectious diseases and respiratory disorders have been grow-
           ing faster than medical inflation - which at 14% is twice as high as retail inflation. Average claim for infectious diseases
           rose to Rs 64,135 in 2022 from Rs 24,569 in 2018, which is an increase of over 160% and a compound annual growth
           rate (CAGR) of 26% (see graphic), data from Policybazaar showed. The amount is higher in metros like Mumbai, where
           average claim for infectious diseases rose to nearly Rs 80,000 from about Rs 30,000.

           For respiratory disorders, average claim increased to Rs 94,245 from Rs 48,452 - a CAGR of 18%. In Mumbai, the cost
           rose to 1.7 lakh from nearly Rs 80,000. While Covid has driven up treatment costs, an inflationary trend was evident
           in the two years preceding the pandemic. "More than the cost of intervention, the cost of treatment has gone up.
           After Covid, there has been a significant increase in the share of consumables. These used to account for 3-4% of the
           bill, but now, at times, they make up 15%," said Amit Chhabra, chief business officer at Policybazaar. Cataract treat-
           ment saw slower growth (54%) in claim size - the average amount rose to Rs 1.2 lakh from Rs 78,325 - as stays at
           hospitals have become shorter.

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