Page 55 - Insurance Times October 2023
P. 55


          IRDAI Corner

         Directions from TRAI for curbing the men-               digital consent of their consumers in co-ordination with
                                                                 their service providers
         ace of Unsolicited Commercial Communica-
                                                              c)  Copies of the Directions issued by TRAI dated 12.5.2023,
                                                                 16.2.2023 & 2.6.2023 which were issued to all Access
                                                  15.09.2023     Providers, have been enclosed.
         IRDAI has received a letter dated 8th August, 2023 from the  All the Insurers and Insurance Intermediaries, are requested
         Chairman, TRAI (The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)  to take note of the issued directions and ensure strict compli-
         against the backdrop of actions to be taken to curb the men-  ance.
         ace of Unsolicited Commercial Communication (UCC).
         TRAI has issued directions with regard to the verification of  Bima Manthan
         Headers and Message Templates by Principal Entities to pre-                                  06.09.2023
         vent misuse by fraudsters who've gained access to such ele-
         ments. Additionally, in order to strengthen the process so that  Bima Manthan - a periodic meeting with the CEOs of Insur-
         only genuine communication go to the consumers, TRAI has  ance and Reinsurance Companies was held at the Insurance
         issued the following directions which need to be implemented  Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI)
         by the Principal Entities (Senders of Commercial Communica-  Headquarters  on  4th  and  5th  September,  2023  at
         tion) in coordination with their Telemarketers / Service Pro-  Hyderabad. This forum serves as a cornerstone for continu-
         viders:                                              ous interaction and dialogue with the insurance industry. The
         a) Whitelisting of URLs/Apks/OTT links/call back numbers by  deep discussions, deliberations and insights underscore the
             PEs- Directions have been issued to ensure that only  collective dedication towards propelling growth and devel-
             whitelisted URLs/Apks/OTT links/Call back numbers are  opment of insurance in India with an aim to achieve ‘Insur-
             allowed in the content template. Messages containing  ance for All by 2047’.
             other URLs/Apks/OTT links/Call back numbers shall be  Towards this end, the fourth edition of Bima Manthan wit-
             stopped from further transmission. Variables if any, be-  nessed robust discussions and presentations aimed at
             ing used in the message content templates, need to be  growth opportunities prevailing in the insurance sector and
             pre-tagged for the purpose they are to be used so as to  the strategies to tap such opportunities. The meeting fea-
             avoid misuse                                     tured intense deliberations on a spectrum of topics, rang-
         b) Digital Consent acquisition (DCA) - All Access Providers  ing from emerging risks in the insurance sector to innova-
             to develop and employ the Digital Consent Acquisition  tive product development, strategies to bridge the protec-
             (DCA) facility for creating a unified platform to register  tion gaps, revamping distribution approach and enhance-
             customers consent digitally across all Service Providers  ment of role of technology in expanding the access of insur-
             and Principal Entities. No other mechanism of consumer  ance. The participants engaged in profound discussions and
             content shall be accepted for ease of confirmation and  showcased thought-provoking presentations aimed at iden-
             prevention of misuse. Accordingly, PEs need to acquire  tifying pragmatic solutions to reach the last mile.

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