Page 48 - Insurance Times October 2023
P. 48

Life Insurance Products Distribution - 2021-22          Agents should take advantage of increase of awareness
         Individual agents 55.01%                                Agents will be always relevant as insurance is still a
         Banka /Corporate 31.94%                                 complex and push product
                                                                 Agents still have 96% market share to eye.
         Online Direct sale 1.36%
         Web aggregators .19%                                 Dr Rakesh shared an interesting statistics from Insurance
                                                              Information Institute USA. He highlighted the share of
         General  Insurance  Products  Distribution           Agents Vis a vis other channels.
         excluding health - 2021-22
         Individual agents 22%                                In Life Insurance
                                                              In 2013 share of agency channel was 45%
         Banks 8.43%4
                                                              In 2013 share of agency channel was 52%
         Brokers 35.11%
                                                              In Property and Casualty
         Online sale 1.16%
                                                              In 2017 share of agency channel was 50.6%
         Other channels 5.19%
                                                              In 2021 share of agency channel was 53.8%
         Health Insurance Products Distribution - 2021-22
                                                              He asserted that even in technologically advanced market
         Individual agents 31.32%
                                                              like USA, Agency Channel plays an important role and is
         Banks 10.43%                                         responsible for 50% of the business.
         Brokers 25.86%                                       He also had some advice for the Agency force

         Direct sale 2.09%                                    in order to grow:
         Web aggregators .39%                                 1. Focus on Continuous Professional Development
         He emphasized on the fact that the online sales is a meagre  2. Attend seminars, webinars, training sessions, and read
         1.56% in life, 1.16% in general insurance and 2.50 % in  books and literature
         health insurance. It will require tremendous amount of  3. Keep yourselves updated
         efforts to raise the penetration through online sales.
                                                              4. Provide value added service like Risk Management,
         2. Other major challenge is that IRDA is of the view that  Claims Assistance, Post Claims Suggestions
             if distributors expense/commission is reduced, people  5. Educate customers with regular inputs
             will move to online platform to buy insurance. IRDAI  6. Provide full range of financial consultancy
             needs  to  understand  the  pulse  and  mindset  of
             consumers. Buying Insurance is still on the last agenda  7. Use digital marketing
             of most of people. Serious efforts are needed for  He also suggested that Research and development in India
             mindset growth and consumer awareness.           should be given due importance by Regulators, Councils, and
         3. Large  number  of  people  are  not  well  versed  in  Insurers. Currently there is sizeable gap in research and
             technology.                                      development activities in India and the industry should invest
                                                              significant amount of resources to understand customer
         4. Huge trust deficit gap needs to be filled up
                                                              behaviour, preferences and to launch customized products/
         Impact on Insurance Agents on launch of Bima         services based on demand.
         Sugam                                                He also advised to form a National Professional Body for
             No immediate impact on agents                    Insurance Agents. Currently India does not have a unified
             But great threat from Bancassurance channel      body for  Insurance Agents  unlike its  counterpart like
             Agent's community needs to gear up and develop   Insurance Brokers and Insurance Surveyors. This body should
             themselves to fight competition                  look after recruiting, training, continuous professional
                                                              development and help in growth of the Agency Channel, the
             Complacency will not work
                                                              most vital channel of distribution.
             Consumer Awareness will increase by efforts of IRDA
             like Bima Vahak, Bima Vistar, and Bima Sugam Just like  He concluded with the remarks that the Agents should
             Jan  Dhan  Yojana  helped  in  massive  increase  in  always be ready for disruption and be ready to disrupt! Only
             awareness.                                       then you can succeed.

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