Page 37 - Insurance Times October 2023
P. 37

Remote Sensing Data Policy: It was introduced in 2001,  To realize this vision, it is necessary to enable private
             which was amended in 2011; in 2016, it was replaced  entities within the Indian space sector to establish
             by a National Geospatial Policy that has been further  themselves as independent players capable of end-to-
             liberalized in 2022.                                end space activities.
             Draft Space Activities Bill: It was brought out in 2017,  Making Space Industry at par with Global Industry:
             which went through a long consultative process and  Promoting the private sector will enable the Indian
             lapsed in 2019 with the outgoing Lok Sabha.         space program to remain cost competitive within the
                                                                 global space market, and thus create several jobs in the
             The government was expected to introduce a new Bill
                                                                 space and other related sectors.
             by 2021, but it appeared to have contented itself with
             the new policy statement released by ISRO.
                                                              What is in Indian Space Policy 2023?

         Why  there  is  a  Need  to  Introduce  Private      Vision: The 'Vision' is to "enable, encourage and develop a
                                                              flourishing commercial presence in space" that suggests an
         Players into Space Sector?
                                                              acceptance that the private sector is a critical stakeholder
             India Lags far behind in Space Economy: The global
                                                              in the entire value chain of the space economy.
             space economy is currently valued at about USD 360
             billion. Despite being one among a few spacefaring
             nations in the world, India accounts for only about 2%  Key features of attractions:
             of the space economy.                               The policy creates four distinct, but related entities,
                                                                 that will facilitate greater private sector participation
             Harnessing the Full Potential of India's Space Sector:  in activities that have usually been the traditional
             Today, while ISRO's budget is approximately USD1.6
                                                                 domain of the ISRO.
             billion, India's space economy is over USD9.6 billion.
             Broadband, OTT and 5G promise a double-digit annual  IN-SPACe  (Indian  National  Space  Promotion  and
             growth in satellite-based services.                 Authorization Centre): It  will  be  a single  window
                                                                 clearance and authorization agency for space launches,
             It is estimated that with an enabling environment, the
                                                                 establishing launch pads, buying and selling satellites,
             Indian space industry could grow to USD 60 billion by
                                                                 and disseminating high-resolution data among other
             2030, directly creating more than two lakh jobs.
             Private Sector has revolutionized the Space Sector:     It will also share technologies, products, processes
             Companies like SpaceX, Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic
                                                                     and best practices with NGEs (non-government
             have revolutionized the space sector by reducing costs
                                                                     entities and this will include private companies) and
             and turnaround time while In India however, players
                                                                     government companies.
             within the private space industry have been limited to
             being vendors or suppliers to the government's space    IN-SPACe will create a "stable and predictable
             program.                                                regulatory framework" that will ensure a level
                                                                     playing field for the NGEs.
             Enhancing Security: The security and defence agencies
             spend nearly a billion dollars annually to procure earth  It will act as a promoter by setting up industry
             observation data and imagery from foreign sources. This  clusters and as the regulator, issue guidelines on
             much reliance on foreign entities can put India's security  liability issues.
             at stakes.                                          New Space India Limited (NSIL): It will be responsible

             Bringing Self-reliance in Space Sector: Today, more  for commercializing space technologies and platforms
             than half the transponders beaming TV signals into  created  through  public  expenditure,  as  well  as,
             Indian homes are hosted on foreign satellites, resulting  manufacturing,  leasing,  or  procuring  space
             in an annual outflow of over half a billion dollars.  components, technologies, platforms and other assets
                                                                 from the private or public sector.
             Promoting Entrepreneurship in Space Sector: There
             is a need to promote private sector activity in all high  Department of Space: It will provide overall policy
             technology areas including space, to fully unlock the  guidelines  and  be  the  nodal  department  for
             potential of India's youth and entrepreneurs.       implementing space technologies and, among other

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