Page 30 - Life Insurance underwriting Ebook IC 22
P. 30


               1. Understand the meaning, purpose, objectives and key principles of financial

               1.1 Meaning of financial underwriting

               Financial underwriting is the process of determining the amount of insurance coyer
               that is justified for a person with regards to his / her income and his needs

               Role of financial underwriting

               The  role  of  the  financial  underwriting  is  to  make  sure  that  the  amount  of  insurance
               applied for by an individual is justified based on the potential economic loss that will be
               suffered in the event of death of the individual. If the amount applied for, is in excess of
               the potential economic loss, then it will  lead to adverse selection (also termed as anti-

               Even  proposal  for  insurance  should  be  financially  underwriting  to  ensure  that  the
               amount of insurance applied for ill adequately compensate the beneficiary in the event
               of an untimely loss. This is best determined if the u insurance is well established and
               the relationship with the beneficiary is logical.

               1.2     Purpose of financial underwriting

               The overall purpose of financial underwriting is to:

                   a) ensure  that  the  insured  or  their  beneficiaries  are  not  put  in  a  better  financial
                       Posting by the occurrence of an insured event c not put in a better financial
                   b) minimize  'moral'  risk;  whereby  the  effecting  of  an  insurance  policy  in  itself
                       increases the chance of an insured event happening
                   c) minimize the risk of lapse and /     or  early  surrender  of  the  policy  by  ensuring
                       both - that the insurance is appropriate and that the premiums are affordable

               1.3 Objectives of financial underwriting

               Good financial underwriting accomplishes the following objectives:

                    Minimizes fraudulent claims
                    Minimizes the early lapse and surrender due to the insured not being able to
                    pay the premium
                    Reduces anti-selection at issue and on renewal

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