Page 17 - The Insurance Times May 2021
P. 17

customers can avail the life cover  20, and is now set to go beyond 95%  ICICI Prudential Life's new
         through SBI YONO app in no time. SBI  in 2020-21, the statement read.
         said that one can apply for this life                                 biz premium up 23% in Q4
         cover in a few steps. The scheme   Pramerica Life Insurance           ICICI Prudential Life has recently
         provides death benefit as sum assured                                 reported a 23% development in its new
         will be payable as defined by the  appoints Kalpana Sampat            enterprise premium, a key metric for
         scheme rules.                      as new MD & CEO                    insurance coverage firms, as it had
         SBI Life - Sampoorn Suraksha is a  Pramerica Life Insurance has recently  report coverage gross sales in March
         group, non-linked, non-participating,  appointed Kalpana Sampat as the  and forecast a powerful development
         pure risk premium life insurance   Managing Director & CEO of the JV  this fiscal as the financial system limps
         product. It is available for different  company. Prior to this elevation, she  again to normalcy amid intermittent
         formal and informal groups. This SBI  was the Chief Operating Officer of this  disturbances on account of COVID-19-
         life cover can be used to cover wider  fully owned subsidiary of Prudential  related restrictions.
         range of groups like borrower-     Financial, Inc.                    Its guaranteed-income and pension
         depositor,   employer-employee,
                                            Sunil Kumar Bansal, Chairman,      product launches, new financial
         professionals, affinity, etc.
                                            Pramerica Life Insurance Limited,  institution assurance companions
         This plan offers security through  remarked, "Kalpana is a respected  reminiscent of IndusInd and together
         financial support to your group    leader in life insurance with an   with new 20,000 brokers helped
         members' dependents in case of an  exceptional record. The Board is   enhance gross sales and produce down
         eventuality, flexibility to define the  optimistic that the company can  the reliance on Unit Linked Insurance
         benefits as per the group's
                                            deliver substantial strategic and  Products. The firm has tripled its
         requirements, and simplicity through  operational progress under her able  provisions for COVID-19-related claims
         an easy on-boarding process.
                                            leadership."                       to Rs. 300 crore.

         Shriram Life Insurance             Prior to joining Pramerica Life    The firm recently stated that at Rs.
                                            Insurance, Kalpana Sampat was the  5,133 crore, its new enterprise
         launches 12-hour claims            CEO for Swiss Reinsurance Co., India  premium grew 23% year-on-year in
         settlement                         branch and was instrumental in its  the fourth quarter of FY2021 with
                                            launch in 2015. She is a certified ACMA,
         Shriram Life Insurance has recently                                   bancassurance contributing 42% of it.
         stated that it has introduced a 12-hour  a Fellow of the Insurance Institute of  Its share of ULIPs was at 47%, down
         claim settlement process for non-early  India and Associate of the Chartered  from greater than 80% a couple of
         claims. Non-early claims are those that  Insurance Institute UK. She has also  years in the past.
         are filed after three years of a policy  been a guest faculty at the National  N.S. Kannan, CEO, ICICI Prudential Life
         being issued.                      Insurance Academy since 2003.
                                                                               Insurance, said, "Along with
         Casparus Kromhout, MD & CEO,       Upon her appointment, Kalpana      opportunity, the base effect should
         Shriram Life Insurance, said in a  Sampat stated, "I am honoured by our  boost growth this year. The lockdowns
         statement, "Our team is focused on  Company Board's decision and
                                                                               won't be as harsh as last year. We don't
         ensuring that timely help is extended  appreciate the trust posed in me by
                                                                               expect a derailment of the economy.
         on claim intimation and wherever   the shareholders and the Board. Our  It would not be as bad as last year
         possible, the claims are settled within  joint venture partner 'Prudential
         a time period of 12 hours. Currently,  Financial Inc.', is an incredible global  while businesses have learnt the hard
         over 54% of all non-early claims   institution with a proud history. I am  way on how to navigate in these
         received are settled within 12 or 48  excited to collaborate with all my  troubled times."
         hours."                            colleagues, in writing the next chapter  The insurer settled COVID-19-related

         The insurer has been steadily      at Pramerica Life Insurance and am  claims aggregating Rs. 459 crore in the
         improving its settlement ratio from  fully committed to the responsibility  final fiscal and web of reinsurance it
         64% in 2016-17 to over 91.6% in 2019-  bestowed on me."               paid out Rs. 264 crore. T

                                                                            The Insurance Times, May 2021 17
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