Page 22 - The Insurance Times May 2021
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Moreover, the adoption of technologies has also simplified  Access to capital
         the otherwise complicated insurance products and services;  There  has  been  a  mushrooming  of  incubators  and  start-
         thereby helping customers in making smart choices. The  up  accelerators,  which  provide  financial,  marketing  and
         world is changing at a fast pace and understanding ever-  networking  support  to  insurers. In  the  forefront  are  large
         evolving customer needs is imperative in serving effectively  organizations  such  as  Swiss  Re,  Oracle  and  IBM  who
         and efficiently.                                     are  aggressively  funding  and  supporting  InsurTech  start-
                                                              ups,  with  the  objective  of  benefiting  from  new  solutions
         Reasons for InsurTech in India                       and  fresh  perspectives.

         Rising Customer Expectations
         The Revolution of e-commerce has forced insurers to think  Types of Technology used in Different
         differently in order to meet the rising expectations of  Segments of Insurance
         consumers who are demanding better, faster and more
         relevant services.                                                   Motor Insurance
                                                                            Telematics technology is getting used in
         Government Initiative of Digital India                             Motor Insurance. Afer the entry of Jio and
         Strong  digital  initiatives  by  the  Indian  government  and     Airtel low cost telematics devices are
         regulatory  authorities,  such  as  Aadhar-based                   available in India.
         identification,  eKYC,  digital  lockers,  Unified  Payments
         Interface,  and  more  recently,  the  mandate  for  e-              Health Insurance
         insurance  accounts,  are  creating  enabling  systems  for        Wearable devices are helping insurers to
         simplification  of  transactions coupled  with  an  increasing     better underwrite, price and manage
         smartphone  penetration,  huge  markets  that  were  not           health claims.
         cost-effective  to  service  earlier  due  to  lack  of  reach        Crop Insurance
         and  distributor  interest  in  pursuing  small-ticket  premiums,
         are  now  becoming  accessible  to  insurers.                      Helping the Crop underwriters with Crop
                                                                            Cutting Experiments (CCE) and giving
         Competitive Pressure                                               more comprehensive data by capturing
                                                                            high-resolution visuals from a unique
         As  competition  intensifies,  margin  pressures  are  pushing
         companies  to  look  at  more  efficient  ways  of  doing          vantage point. Drones has also helped the
         business - whether  by  reducing  costs  or  improving             surveyors to do risk inspection of property
         efficiency.  Especially  in  non-life  insurance  where  contracts  claims.
         are  of  a  much  shorter  duration  than  in  life  insurance,     Livestock Insurance
         there  is  a  constant  need  to  create  differentiators  that
                                                                            For reducing moral hazard and fraud,
         will  enable  insurance  companies  to  attract  and  retain
                                                                            insurers are using RFID technology for
                                                                            accurate identification of animal for
                                                                            livestock insurance.
                                                                              Home Insurance
                                                                            With the rise of personal smart connected
                                                                            home devices, there is an opportunity for
                                                                            insurers to increase insurance penetration
                                                                            in this segment.
                                                                              Travel Insurance

                                                                            Bajaj Allianz recently launched a
                                                                            blockchain-based travel insurance app
                                                                            Travel Ezee, which pays out claims
                                                                            automatically when there are flight

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