Page 23 - The Insurance Times May 2021
P. 23

Crop Insurance
         Y   Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana(PMFBY)
         Y   Restructured Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme

         Insurtech is acting as an enabler for increasing penetration
         under crop insurance. Internet is one of the examples
         wherein it is providing a perfect platform for use of
         technology in crop insurance. All the stakeholders of crop
         insurance starting from Government, insurance companies
         to distributor are having an access to detailed information
         of Underwriting and claim data. The cost of collecting this
         data through manual form has reduced due to use of

         Technology is providing all the critical information to insurers
         in a fraction of seconds with less cost. Satellite, drones,
         mobile cameras are highly cost-effective means of collecting  Therefore, at an aggregator level, people must understand
         data and this cost efficiency is certainly encouraging  that there is huge potential for insurance in India. India still
         insurance companies to increase crop insurance       has low, single-digit insurance penetration - despite the
                                                              number of insured increasing during the last few years. With
                                                              a population of over 1.3 billion, it is an epidemic. We are
         Distribution                                         incredibly underinsured.
         We see that traditional distribution networks are not only
         economically unviable for insurance firms but are also  To cross-sell personalized insurance, some of the insurers
         cumbersome from a customer perspective. Marketing and  have started looking beyond traditional distribution channels
         distribution in today's age require having an omnichannel  and explored strategic partnerships with newer channels
         presence. The millennials have come to expect 24x7 service  such as retail aggregators (Amazon, Flipkart, etc.)
         availability. They want to have policy comparisons, quotes  Telecommunication providers (Airtel, Vodafone, Jio, etc.),
         and policy terms and conditions made available to them in  smart home devices manufacturers (Amazon, Xiaomi, etc.),
         a device-agnostic online platform, at a place of their  AR/VR device providers, telematics device manufacturers,
         choosing. An online distribution channel is a low hanging  sharing economy providers (Uber, Ola, OYO, etc.),
         fruit, which also leads to the most coveted commodity of  transportation providers (IRCTC, bus providers), and
         them all, consumer data. Since this segment of digitalization  messaging apps (WhatsApp, Facebook messenger, etc.).
         has already seen considerable disruptor activity, any lapses  Allianz, for example, has set up a joint venture with Chinese
         in capitalizing on it can prove detrimental to an insurance  Internet giant Baidu that enables it to apply data about
         firm.                                                consumers' online behavior to create customized offers.

         Some of the products like travel, motor and personal  For example, Acko General has tied up with Amazon, Bajaj
         accident insurance require very little changes as they are  Allianz has tied up with Flipkart to offer mobile insurance
         mostly based on prospect information. The intervention  Etc. Shriram General, Bharti Axa, and Bajaj Allianz has tied
         required for such products is minimal and the training and  up with IRCTC to provide PA cover to Passengers.
         exams for such persons could be of a lesser degree than
         those for a full-fledged distributor. In fact, last year, IRDAI  With mobile and Web technology, consumers across tier 2,
         had allowed the general insurance industry to use point-of-  3 and 4 cities and rural India will have access to multiple
         sale persons to sell general insurance products. For this, it  insurers and transparent prices. Apart from reducing the
         identified products that are simple to understand, and in  cost of delivering the policy, and cutting down the branch
         which the benefits are stated upfront and are fixed and  network, online insurance selling also delivers transparent
         predefined.                                          information to consumers.

                                                                            The Insurance Times, May 2021 23
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