Page 27 - The Insurance Times May 2021
P. 27

students acquiring it in a way buying it, as they need the  Different people have different need for products. Some
         knowledge. Again some sort of fees too exists unless it's a  make quick decisions to buy and others take time to decide.
         free service.                                        Whereas some keeps probing, while some depends on other
                                                              person's advice.
         All such transactions are in a way is a sales transaction.
                                                              Captive buyers may not have too many choice while there
         Because there are two parties involved, one who has need
                                                              might be some who does impulsive buying.
         for something so called product and the other who fulfills
         that need by providing that product, called provider or  Some buy with anticipation of future use while they may not
         seller.                                              have immediate need.

         But in all such transactions another thing is also there, that  Advertisement of products also makes an impact on buyer's
         is, the price, the cost, the fee, the charges whatever you  decision.
         call it, in lieu of it the transaction is being done.
                                                              There is always a great desire in every salesperson that his
                                                              product sells easily, comfortably and with minimum effort.
         So, you see, it is sales and selling is going on everywhere
         and at every moment. And to be more precise here, it would  But to fulfill one's desire a great amount of discipline is
         not be wrong to say that, the entire human world is  required along with knowledge and skills. Then there is also
         continuously revolving around two factors only. One factor  the attitude factor.
         being the "Needs or Wants" in life and the other factor
                                                              Like in most achievements, attitude towards sales profession
         being the "Fulfilment of it".
                                                              plays an important role in success of a sales person. One
                                                              should also have a social nature. One must be willing and
         And in that context, sales profession is the largest profession
                                                              enjoy to interact with people. An introvert nature does not
         in the world.
                                                              match the required quality for a sales job.
         However, here in this article, we are concerned with only  Knowledge of local language and culture is beneficial and
         that kind of transaction which generally we call as sales,  an advantage. Sense of humor also helps the interactions
         whereby a sales person tries to sell his products to his  between a salesperson and his prospect. One should also
         prospects successfully.                              become adept in objection handling ability. Every sales

                                                              interactions is different, new and unique, and that is because
         There are various aspects of sales that exists around all three  the prospect is new, though the sales person is same, the
         participants in the transaction, vis a vis, the buyer, the seller
                                                              product is same, the selling process is same.
         and the product.
                                                              Now about the product, a product is developed based on
         There are various kinds of selling transactions we can see  market demand. Lots of researches and studies are made
         around us. Such as,                                  in the market to understand what kind of product would be
         Y   Mass selling where footfalls are high as in exhibitions  a success among potential buyers.
             or seminar, year-end season's sale, discount sale,
             internet, auctions, malls etc.

         Y   One to one or individual as in insurance, mutual funds,
             shares, etc., where seller approaches potential buyers.
         Y   Over the counter as in shops, where customers walk in
             by themselves.
         Y   Hawkers and peddlers.
         Y   Selling to captive buyers, as in trains, planes, platforms,
             airport, stadium, hospitals, etc.

         We need to understand the buyer's psychology in such
         different kind of selling situations as given above.

                                                                            The Insurance Times, May 2021 27
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