Page 26 - The Insurance Times May 2021
P. 26
T here exists many kind of occupation around us from being an advice, a service, an idea, a knowledge, an
entertainment etc.
which people choose as their profession. They are
like, medical profession, technical profession,
All these can be put together and called a "Need", which is
academics or education, agriculture or farming,
being taken care.
writing, mass communication or media, legal, politics, human
resource development, acting, sports and so on. For example a doctor is providing his services by advising,
But when you get deeper into each of such occupations, you counselling, prescribing, conducting surgery, to his patient
will find that at the end somewhere some kind of who has a need for such a thing. Similarly a lawyer is also
transactions are being made which is in some way fulfilling doing so.
some kind of underlying purpose. And that could be anything
Take another example of an occupation, of say a carpenter;
About the author he is providing a piece of furniture or is doing interior work
of a house for some client of his who has the need for such
Sanjay Ghosh work. The purpose or the need is fulfilled at the end.
Experienced sales development and
learning professional for more than There is another unique transaction which is being done in
three decades in hospitality and lieu of love, care and affection. Such as a child who has the
financial services industry. Experienced
sales development and learning professional for more than need to eat his food and the mother of the child trying all
three decades in hospitality and financial services industry. means to feed the child. Telling stories or singing song.
Have been able to nurture the young talent in sales Transaction accomplished and purpose fulfilled.
profession to leadership level and demonstrated
unrelenting persistence to growth, success and productivity
of individuals, harnessing their true potential into Even an educator is involved in a transaction where he is
deliverable performance trying to impart knowledge, in a way selling ideas and
26 The Insurance Times, May 2021