Page 28 - The Insurance Times May 2021
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The benefits, the advantages, the features are carefully One can plan his earnings beforehand. Even sudden fund
built into. It has to appeal to the buyer. The competitions requirements can be met at certain times, whereas such
are to be kept in mind as well. Product pricing and market things are not possible in a monthly fixed salary.
affordability are also looked into. After all it is about profits
Then there is the challenge factor which is one of the main
in business too.
attractions among those doing well in sales.
If the product meets the buyer's requirements and fulfills
There is no monotony like in many other jobs. New target,
his need then the price paid by him is not a waste. Otherwise
new challenge, rewards and recognitions, name and
the money is wasted and it's a loss for the buyers.
fame keep driving the salesperson all the time towards
Before 80's the manufacturer used to dominate in the success.
market. But thereafter slowly the customers became the
king and manufacturers took a back seat after sales service We spoke briefly about all three components involved in a
became the key matter in the market and started to direct sales mechanism, that is the buyer, the seller and the
the success and failure of products. product. But there is also a fourth component which is
the common factor, which makes these three
There are two view points in the market about the sales components interact amongst themselves in order to
job. Though sales is considered to be the greatest profession logically conclude sales, is the "sales process." This helps the
in the world, many sales person differ to that belief owing buyer to arrive at a decision to buy the product and also
to their inability to achieve desired success. Most sales feel good about it. This sales process comprises of many steps
person fails to adhere to the required discipline due to in a sequence.
misfitting attitude and as a result they fall short of achieving
their sales targets or just about make it or make something
which does not keeps his motivation level to go on further.
Sales job, being a target oriented job, creates a challenging
pressure to achieve the target figures of sales within a
stipulated time, which is generally called monthly, quarterly,
half yearly or annual target.
When a salesperson does not meet his own expectations,
primarily regarding professional growth, or earnings in SALES
terms of sales incentives, he starts to lose the charm and PROCESS
motivation in his job.
Many can't take this pressure positively, thereby labeling
sales profession as an unattractive job. SELLER PRODUCT
Many sales person lose their job due to inability to achieve
target given. Many shift to other field in search of job
Depending on the profile of buyer and the kind of product,
a salesperson modifies and uses his methods.
Now let us look at the positive aspects of the sales
profession. The methods vary from product to product. But the selling
process remains same.
Sales is the only job which does not have limit in earnings of
a person like the salaried one. As most sales job are incentive "You can have everything in life you want, if you
linked and the earnings of a sales person is directly will just help other people get what they want"
proportional to the sales he does. - Zig Ziglar
28 The Insurance Times, May 2021