Page 18 - The Insurance Times May 2021
P. 18

International                                                              News

         World Bank approves USD            healthcare personnel by strengthening  insurance policies. In addition, there is
                                            their planning and management      an increasing awareness of
         32 million project to              capabilities along with building their  independent personal accident cover
         improve health services in         clinical skills and competencies.  mainly due to limited benefits offered

         Mizoram                            Junaid Ahmad, World Bank Country   under group policies.
                                            Director in India, stated, "This project  Anjuli Shrivastav, Insurance Analyst at
         The World Bank Board of Executive
         Directors has recently approved a USD  will support the state government's  GlobalData, comments: “The standard
         32 million project to improve quality of  efforts to deliver quality healthcare for  features and policy wordings offered
         health services and management     the poor and vulnerable and those  under ‘Saral Suraksa Bima’ product will
         capacity in Mizoram, a world bank  located in remote areas."          make it easier for buyers to choose
         statement said recently.                                              standalone personal accident insurance
                                            Personal accident insurance        from a wide variety of products
         According to the statement, the                                       available in the market. Uniformity
         project titled "Mizoram Health     market in India to benefit         and greater transparency in policy
         Systems Strengthening Project" is                                     contracts will improve the uptake of
         expected to strengthen the         from policy standardization        standalone personal accident insurance
         governance and the management      The Insurance Regulatory and
         structure of the Mizoram Health    Development Authority of India (IRDAI)  product  and  help  increase
         department and its subsidiaries. It will  has mandated all general and health  penetration.”
         improve the quality and coverage of  insurers in the country to offer  As per the new guidelines, standard
         services delivered by the state    standard personal accident insurance  personal accident product will come
         government health systems, and invest  ‘Saral Suraksha Bima’ from 1 April  with one year tenure and cover death
         in a comprehensive quality assurance  2021. This product with standard  and disability. Sum insured will be in
         programme which would enable       coverage and policy wordings will  multiples of INR50,000 with a minimum
         quality certification of health facilities.  simplify product offering and promote  insured amount of INR250,000 and a
                                            the uptake of personal accident    maximum of INR10m.
         The key focus will be to strengthen the
         effectiveness of the state health  insurance policies in the country, says  Insurers will be allowed to provide
         insurance programme, build synergies  GlobalData, a leading data and  extra benefits and add optional covers
         withthe Government of India's      analytics company.                 such as temporary total disablement,
         Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojna, and  GlobalData estimates the personal  hospitalization expenses in the same
         thereby reduce financial barriers in  accident insurance industry in India to  product and determine premiums
         accessing hospital services, prevent  grow at a compound annual growth  within the guidelines prescribed by the
         catastrophic out of pocket expenditure  rate (CAGR) of 6.1% during 2019-2024  IRDAI. This will encourage insurers to
         for health by poor families and expand  due to mandatory personal accident  test new products and offer innovative
         coverage. The project will also benefit  cover for employees, motor and travel  and customized products.

          18  The Insurance Times, May 2021
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