Page 34 - The Insurance Times May 2021
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the poor and vulnerable, the gap has somewhat been   A different roadmap for growth
         bridged but the Private Insurance Schemes have reported
                                                              Remaining relevant through the digital transformation
         covering only 18% of the urban population and a little
                                                              trends in insurance and demanding customers is a major
         over14% of the rural population. While the demand for  challenge for the sector. The pandemic has changed the
         health insurance is expected to increase considerably,  income and investment landscapes dramatically over the
         underwriting thresholds may also go up and thus the
                                                              past nine months, forcing investors to rejig their financial
         negative movement may not be offset. With the constant
                                                              portfolio for long-term security. Investors' preference for
         increase in the number of cases and the prolonged duration  insurance, savings and the size of emergency funds have
         of the crisis, the IRDAI has mandated all general and health  gone up, while building a corpus for wedding expenses has
         insurers to start offering Corona Kavach - an indemnity based  come down the priority list. The Covid-19 pandemic has
         health plan and Corona Rakshak - a fixed benefit health  turned the spotlight on the health insurance market in India.
         insurance - policies to their customers.             Out of pocket expenditure on health in India is as high as
                                                              64%, whereas, in developed countries, this figure is less than
         These policies are meant for covering hospital and medical  20%. At present, health insurance is as low as 0.29% of GDP.
         expenses of COVID 19 patients. Traditionally, the insurance
         industry has been employee-centric. With the advent of  Ayushman Bharat has provided health insurance to
         digital disruption of the industry, there will be an impact on  households below the poverty line. But, the middle class
         its vast employee bases in the foreseeable future. However,  remains largely uncovered. Design of simple and need-based
         despite the switch to digital mode, a vast majority of the  products, using simple wording to describe terms and
         business requires one-on-one communication or face-to-face  conditions, and quick claim settlement are the key areas for
         interactions. As a result, companies need to ensure that  the insurers to concentrate on.  To cater to the current
         their agents have access not only to safety equipment in the  requirement, IRDAI came out with two standard corona
         office but also required data and applications to safely work  products, Corona Kavach and Corona Rakshak. Along with
         from home.                                           other corona specific products, the insurers have been able
                                                              to cover more than 120 lakh lives against Covid-19 till the
            A large majority of Indians have no               end of October 2020. IRDAI has also mandated a simple,
                                                              inclusive standard comprehensive health insurance product
                  health Insurance coverage                   called "Arogya Sanjeevani" to be sold by all general and
         Health Insurance coverage (% Individuals)            health insurers. This is helping customers to opt for

             Rural            Urban                           appropriate health insurance without getting confused on
                                                              varying terms and conditions. Insurers are also encouraging
                                   85.9                       insurers to offer stand-alone products against vector-borne
                  Without Coverage
                                   80.9                       diseases like dengue, chikungunya, malaria and encephalitis.

                  With government 12.9
                                                              New world, new customers, new
                Sponsored insurance 8.9
                 With government /   0.6                      Customer needs and expectations are changing, and they
                     PSU employer    3.3                      will continue to do so, possibly at an even more rapid pace.
                                                              Those that view this as an opportunity to combine insurance
              With Private employer  0.3                      and technology by providing new and innovative products,
                            suport   2.9                      services and delivery channels will be the winners in what
                                                              will be a different market in years to come. Customers are
           With insurance purchased  0.2                      the disruptive force in the insurance industry. It will be
             from private companies  3.8                      crucial for insurers to leverage digital capabilities to deliver
                                                              a superior customer experience. Insurers must establish
                            Others                            online direct-to-customer channels to facilitate insurance
                                     0.2                      purchase, policy administration and claims.

         Note: Data for the period July to June 2018          Further, empowering agents, brokers and bancassurance

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