Page 36 - The Insurance Times May 2021
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consolidate with their peers. A rapidly changing industry will  may not be available to a patient during an acute phase of
         require unprecedented deal-making skills. Poorly integrated  it. These people can go for diabetic specific plans. However,
         businesses fail to achieve expected synergies and are at least  such plans may have at least a 25-30 per cent premium
         in part responsible for the complex organizational and  differential with the comprehensive plan. Besides, not many
         technological structures in place that are currently holding  options are available. Popular ones include Care Freedom
         back many insurers' attempts to keep up with more nimble  for Diabetes from Care Health Insurance, Diabetes Safe Plan
         competitors. Integration success requires detailed planning  from Star Health Insurance and Activ Health Enhance
         ahead of the deal closing and swift action thereafter.  (Diabetes) from Aditya Birla Capital. Star Health policy
                                                              comes in two variants of Plan A and Plan B. Under the Plan
         This comparative table comprises statistics on the insurance  A variant, the insured person needs to undergo a pre-
         industry indicators as this sector is a key component of the  acceptance medical screening, while no such thing is
         economy by virtue of the amount of premiums it collects,  required in Plan B. Diabetes Safe plan can be bought by any
         the scale of its investment and the essential social and  diabetic between 18 and 65 years.
         economic role it plays on personal and business risk
         coverage. This dataset includes insurance activity indicators  Star Health policy covers other diseases as well such as
         such as market share, density, penetration, life insurance  prostate problem, gall stone, and cataract etc. However,
         share, premiums per employee, retention ratio, ratio of  the waiting period for the same could be longer than that
         reinsurance accepted, market share of foreign companies  for diabetes. In addition, insurance policies usually cover
         and market share of branches/agencies.               only type-2 diabetes. Star Health provides coverage for type-
                                                                                           1 diabetes as well. Care
                                                                                           Freedom for Diabetes
                                                                                           also offers coverage
                                                                                           without any pre-policy
                                                                                           medical    check-ups.
                                                                                           Enrollment under the
                                                                                           plan is applicable to
                                                                                           individuals with multiple
                                                                                           morbidities, or health
                                                                                           complications such as
                                                                                           hypertension, lipid, and
                                                                                           obesity. Active Health
                                                                                           Enhance (Diabetes) also
                                                                                           covers type-2 diabetes
                                                                                           along with type-1, but
                                                                                           pre-policy medical check-
                                                                                           up is also required.
         Health insurance for diabetics:
                                                              35-year-Old Male Sum Insured: 5 Lakh
         When doctors write prescriptions for diabetic patients,
         recommendation for health insurance becomes an City: Delhi
         important element of it. However, for diabetic patients
                                                               Insurer     Plan Name         Waiting   Premium
         getting a health policy is not a simple affair, especially for
         those at an acute stage of it.  Star Health and Allied
         Insurance created Star Diabetes Safe health insurance policy  Aditya Birla  Activ Health  3 Years  33,724
         around seven years ago. First time in India, patients who  Capital  Enhance (Diabetes)
         were already on insulin had a diabetes policy without  Star Health  Diabetes Safe   1 Years   16,319
         premium loading or flurry of questions, as happens    Insurance   Plan B
         otherwise.                                            Care Health  Care freedom     2 Years   11,858
                                                               Insruance   for Diabetes
         While comprehensive policies also cover diabetes in India,
         they come with a long waiting period (up to four years) and  Source :

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