Page 12 - Insurance Times March 2017 Sample
P. 12



            Swiss Re Corporate Solu- Swiss Re misses Q4 consensus, losses & pricing impact
            tions appoints new Japan full-year result
            country head                      Global reinsurance firm Swiss Re re-  man-made losses and pricing pressure,

                            Swiss Re Corpo-   ported its fourth-quarter and full-year  and  Life  Capital  units,  due  to
                            rate Solutions has  2016 results this morning and impacts  unfavourable effects of rising interest
                            appointed  Paul   from large                                               rates on an
                            Atkinson  to  the  catastro-                                               a c q u i r e d
                            position of coun-  phe losses,                                             portfolio,
                            try  head  Japan,  man-made losses and the continued  which dented the results.
            effective  immediately,  subject  to
            regulatory approval.              pressure from soft market pricing, all  Net income for Q4 across the reinsur-
                                              impacted the figures.              ance group was $517 million, down
            He will succeed Juerg Stoll, who has
            held the role since 2010 and is ap-  For Q4 2016 Swiss Re experienced a  significantly from $938 million in the
            pointed country head Malaysia.    loss in its Corporate Solutions, due to  prior year.
            Atkinson brings with him extensive  Munich Re Life partners with SafeBeyond in US for
            commercial insurance experience, ac-
            cumulated in Hong Kong, Japan, Lon- expansion
            don and Taiwan.
                                              Munich Re US (Life) has expanded its  provides meaningful protection and
            Munich Re hikes dividend          partnership with SafeBeyond, a cloud-  peace of mind, but it is a real game-
                                              based digital asset and legacy man-  changer for insurers looking at ways
            despite drop in profit            agement platform, to offer its online  to make their products stand-out by
            Germany's Munich Re said earnings  identity                                                  delivering
            fell in the final quarter of 2016 be-  m a n -                                               a very hu-
            cause of higher costs for storms and  a g e -                                                man, very
            earthquakes and a slightly lower in-  ment so-                                               personal-
            vestment result. Still, the world's big-  lution to                                          ized  cus-
            gest reinsurer said it was able to pay  life insurers in the US.     tomer experience." Moran Zur, CEO
            a higher dividend, raising it to EUR                                 of SafeBeyond, commented, "We are
            8.60 a share from EUR 8.25 in 2015.  The  reinsurer  first  teamed  with  thrilled to be working with Munich Re
                                              SafeBeyond in 2016 for the Canadian
            Quarterly net profit fell to about EUR  market.                      in the US and Canada. By combining
            500 million ($540 million) from EUR                                  Munich Re's deep understanding of
            731 million, on revenue of EUR 12.1  Michael Taht, senior vice president,  the market with SafeBeyond's vision of
            billion and an investment result of EUR  individual reinsurance, Munich Re US  offering insurance companies innova-
            1.6 billion. Profit was roughly in line  (Life), said, "Driving innovation is a  tive tools to improve customer en-
            with the EUR 554 million that was  central tenant of our global strategy.  gagement, we can identify many ex-
            forecast by a Wall Street Journal poll.  The  SafeBeyond  platform  not  only  citing new opportunities."
            12  The Insurance Times, March 2017

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