Page 13 - Insurance Times March 2017 Sample
P. 13

Cover Story





           EXAMINATION, 2017

           M           arine  insurance  is  the  oldest  form  of  to occur because of maritime perils, such as pirates who
                       insurance and plays a very important role
                                                               robbed on the high seas or bad sea weather spoiling the
                                                               goods or sinking of the ship due to perils of the sea.
                       both in internal and international market. It
                       is  closely  connected  with  important
           commercial institutions like banking and shipping. Marine  Abstract of the salient features of marine
           insurance can be traced to London market which is actual  insurance:
           place of origin of Marine Insurance. The policies were  1. Marine Insurance is the oldest form of insurance that
           simplified and streamlined in the London market and all the  was found in practice in the world.
           marine policies not only in India but anywhere in the world
           have been adopted from London market.               2. Cargo policies are freely assignable.
                                                               3. In Marine Insurance insurable interest must exist at
           Lloyds for  Marine Insurance: The origins  of insurance  the time of loss.
           business as practiced today, is traced to the Lloyd's Coffee  4. INCOTERMS - It indicate rights and obligation of buyers
           House in London during 1779. Traders, who used to gather  and sellers, to ascertain from which point the marine
           there, would agree to share the losses to their goods being  insurance will be required and to provide suitable cover
           carried by ships, due to perils of the sea. Such losses used  for the requirements of the clients.
                                                               5. Sum Insured under the policy - The S.I. of the policy
                                 About the author                  shall not be more than CIF + 10% unless specifically

                           Anabil Bhattacharya                     declared and mentioned in the policy.
                           B.M.E. (Hons.), Jadavpur University  6. Recovery - against carriers, bailees and other third
                           F.I.I.I. (I.I.I., Mumbai), Chief Manager  parties is mandatory.
                           Fire & Engineering Dept., Head Office
                           National Insurance Co. Ltd, Kolkata.  7. Agreed Value Policy -Marine policy is an Agreed Value
                                                                            The Insurance Times, March 2017 13

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