Page 19 - Insurance Times March 2017 Sample
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insurance, exclusions under the policy and important  susceptible to different types of damage/ losses e.g.
               slip attached with the policy mention the steps to be  sugar, glass sheets, leather goods, liquid cargo, are
               taken by the insured/ claimant in the event of loss/  subjected to different types of losses.
               damage.                                         2) PACKING: Goods may be fragile but if packed properly,

           6) ENDORSEMENTS:  Sometimes  after  insurance  of       the risk is considerably reduced. If Rice cargo is packed
               Marine policy, some amendments are required to be   in gunny bags risks of water damage is more than what
               done in a policy. Such amendments after insurance of  when it is packed in HDPE bags. Wooden packing is
               policy are done by issuing an endorsement e.g. insured  better than cardboard carton packing. New drums are
               had declared that goods are packed in wooden boxes  better risk than second hand drums.
               but subsequently it is found  that goods would  be  3) VOYAGE: The destination of voyage is very important.
               dispatched in cardboard cartons. The insured in such  There are many restrictions for insurance of export of
               cases approach insurance company for insurance of   cargo to Russia & CIS countries became of frequent
               endorsement to change the mode of packing in the    losses. If voyage is not direct and involve transshipment
               policy.                                             - the risk increases. For transits within India dispatches
           7) CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE: This document is primarily  to North Eastern states is considered as bad risk.
               issued in care of export/ import policies where the  4) MODE OF TRANSIT: Air is better than Sea. Transit by
               insurers have issued 'OPEN COVER'. It gives information  Rail within India is better risk than transit by Road
               about  the goods  shipped/ sent. This certificate  of  within India.
               insurance is also stamped as per provisions of the Indian  5) TERMS OF INSURANCE: Wider the insurance cover
               Stamp Act. Sometimes Certificate of Insurance (COI) is  more will be the premium. If cover is for IT (C) alone,
               issued under open policy also but in such cases the COI  only bare minimum premium is charged. When insured
               need not be stamped because the open policy is a    agrees for imposition of excess in a policy - a rebate in
               stamped document.
                                                                   premium is given.
           Marine Cargo Rating & Underwriting                  6) VESSEL: When goods are sent by sea then name of the
                                                                   vessel  is  very  important.  Depending  upon  vessel
           Considerations                                          involved in transit of goods, extra premium may be

           In  any  Insurance  Department,  the  underwriting      required to be charged in following cases:-
           department is most important portfolio. This is because it  a) Overage extra: When the vessel is more than 15yrs
           is  the  underwriting  department,  which  decides  as  to  of age, an extra premium called overage extra is
           whether:                                                    charged.
           i)  to accept / or reject the risk                      b) Under tonnage extra: Small vessels are considered
           ii)  if accepted what premium to be charged                 as bad risks  for which  under  tonnage extra  is
           iii) what conditions / warrantees to be put.
                                                                   c)  Non-approval: When the vessel is not approved by
           Prior to 1/4/1994 there was All India Marine Cargo Tariff,  the company, an extra premium  @1%  extra  is
           which provided for basic rates for inland transit and major  charged.
           commodities export/ import rates. This Tariff was however  d) Non- classification extra: There is a system of
           withdrawn w.e.f. 01/04/1994 and now insurers are free to    classification of vessels by classification Societies.
           charge any premium rate for any policy in Marine Cargo      If the vessel by which cargo is being supplied is
           Department in view of unhealthy competition GIC came        classified  by  any  of  these  societies,  then  it  is
           forward with certain guide rates in 1994 to be followed by  considered as good risk. If the vessel is not classified
           all Public Sector Companies. There guide rates can now be   by the societies then it is considered as bad risk and
           reduced/ loaded depending upon the risk involved. In a      non classification extra premium is charged @
           detariffed regime the role of underwriter is very important.  0.10% on sum insured.
           In Marine Cargo department the following factors are taken
           into account to assess the risk:-                   Some of the classification societies are as under:
           1) SUBJECT MATTER: Risk varies depending upon subject  1) Bureau Veritas
               matter (insured cargo). Different types of goods are  2) American Bureau of shipping

                                                                            The Insurance Times, March 2017 19

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