Page 22 - Insurance Times March 2017 Sample
P. 22

Institute Cargo Clause (Air)                            is expected to take all steps so as to prevent / minimize
           Whenever goods are in transit by Air, either within India or  losses. In terms of Marine Insurance Act insurers agree
           export/ import of goods from India to anywhere in world  to pay all reasonable expenses incurred by the insured
           or vice versa, then policies are subjected to Institute cargo  to achieve this objective e.g.
           clause -Air. This is an all risk cover like ICC-A and with similar  A) Sue and Labour Charges: These charges are incurred
           exclusions.                                                 after operation of marine peril and before arrival
                                                                       of the cargo at destination. Further there expenses
           The cover under ICC- (Air) is similar to ICC (A) and duration  must be incurred by insured, their agent / servant
           cover is also similar but with some changes.                and for the benefit of insured's goods only.
                                                                   B) Particular Charges: These charges are incurred to
           The cover is warehouse to warehouse as in ICC (A) but the   avoid a loss and expenses should be for the benefit
           period of cover after unloading of cargo from the aircraft  of insured's property only and not for common
           at the final place of discharge is limited to 30 days. In case  adventure.
           of export / import of goods by Air, the war & SRCC risks can
                                                                   C) Salvage Charges: Sometimes the services of third
           be granted on payment of additional premium.
                                                                       party are utilized to save property during transit.
                                                                       So, salvage charges are remuneration payable to
           Concept of General Average
                                                                       third parties. These services are rendered on non-
           The concept of General Average originated much before       cure-no-pa basis i.e. no recovery- no charges.
           Marine Insurance. This system was based on the principal
           of  equity.  In  simple  terms  here  losses  are  incurred  D) Extra  Charges:  The  services  of  surveyors  are
           deliberately for the benefit of cargo owners, Ship owner and  utilized for survey and assessment of loss for Export
           Freight earner, and losses are restored by contribution of  claims the services of settling Agents or survey
           all those whose interests are saved.                        agents are utilized. Survey free is paid to insured
                                                                       over and above

           General  average  has  following  important             E) The Marine claim: Sometimes damaged cargo is
           ingredients:                                                auctioned through the surveyors; in such case
           1) It is either a sacrifice or an expenditure.              auction charges are also paid over and above the
           2) The entire adventure should be in danger.
           3) The act must be extra ordinary in nature.        Marine Claims:
           4) The loss/ expense incurred should be for the common  When cargo is in transit, it is exposed to various risks during
               safety of the vessel, cargo and freight.        Rail/ Road/ Sea/ Air transit. Due to operation of one or
           5) The loss /  expense are shared  by  all  those  whose  more perils there may be claim under a Marine Policy. The
               interests are saved.                            nature of various claims can be put under following:
           6) The GA is declared by Master/ Ship owner.        1) Non- deliver
           7) G.A adjusters are appointed by insurers to settle such  2) Short-delivery
               claims.                                         3) Pilferage
           8) The  amount  paid  by  the  interests  saved  is  called  4) Leakage
                                                               5) Damage
           9) G.A claims are payable provided ____ of loss is covered
               under the policy.
                                                               The liability under Marine Cargo Policy can be ascertained
                                                               b analyzing the cause of loss and correlating the same with
           Charges in Addition of Claim:                       the  scope  of  cover  under  the  relevant  policy.  Due  to
           In addition to payment of claim in respect of damage to  operation of any peril the consignment can be totally lost
           cargo, there are certain charges / expenses which are paid  (e.g. non-delivery of entire consignment, consignment
           over and above the claim.                           totally damaged b water etc.Sometimes the consignment
           There are following types of charges:               is lost/ damaged  but in  a manner  that  the  cost  of its
           1) Loss Prevention & Minimization charges: The insured  retrieval is more than the value of cargo. So any total loss

            22  The Insurance Times, March 2017

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