Page 26 - Insurance Times March 2017 Sample
P. 26


           - FAILURE OR


          P        ublic Sector Undertaking Insurers collectively de-  sured under the policies and are mainly divided into three

                   cided to introduce PREFERRED PROVIDER NET-
                                                               categories. These hospitals / Nursing Homes are commonly
                                                               known as PPN approved Hospitals and Nursing Homes (NH).
                   WORK Hospitals system between later parts of
                   2011 to January' 2012, whereby the Companies
           through Third Party Administrators (TPAs) entered into an  Cashless facilities for specified procedures can only be availed
           agreement with the Hospitals /Nursing Homes (NH) in some  in such approved set-ups. It may be noted that every Hospi-
           of the major cities in India for providing CASHLESS BENEFITS  tals / NH has not agreed for such packages rates and they
           to their respective policyholders.                  charge according to their own tariffs and practice and the
                                                               insured has to make full payment and seek reimbursement
           In terms of such agreements fixed packaged rates for vari-  subsequently under the policy from the TPA. Also this sys-
           ous  SPECIFIED  PROCEDURES  OTHER  THEN  TRAUMA  &  tem is not applicable for the insured persons under group
           EMERGENCY CASES are agreed upon by hospitals/NH to be  health insurance policy holders of PSU companies as well as
           charged from the insured in exchange of CASHLESS BENEFIT  for policy holders of the private insurance companies.
           to be provided to the insured availing treatment in such
           hospitals/NH. Such package rate varies based on Sum In-  Five years are now almost completed ever since this system
                                                               has been introduced by PSU companies. Let us examine how
                                                               much this system has worked for all stakeholders in the
                          About the author                     health sector industry? What were the intended goals when
                                                               the system was first introduced and whether these goals
                          R. C. Thakker                        have been achieved or not? How far the main stakehold-
                                                               ers, i.e. insuring public have been benefited?
                          Insurance Advisor
                                                               Before we examine all these relevant aspects let us under-
                                                               stand the finer points of the system. When the system was
            26  The Insurance Times, March 2017

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