Page 25 - Insurance Times March 2017 Sample
P. 25

            Sl.  Mode of      NOTICE OF CLAIM AGAINST TRANSPORTERS               FILING OF THE SUITS
            No. Transport     DAMAGE               NON-DELIVERY         DAMAGE              NON-DELIVERY
            3   By Air Transit  Within 14 days from  Within 21 days from  Within 2 years from  Within 2 years from the
                              the date of delivery  the date of booking  the date of delivery.  date of goods ought to
                              of goods (7 days in  of goods (14 days in                     have reached the final
                              case of domestic     case of domestic                         destination.
                              air lines).          air lines).
            4   Port of Trust  Within 7 days from  Within 7 days from   Within 6 months     Within 6 months from
                              the landing of goods.  the landing of goods.  from the date of  the date of landing of
                                                                        landing of goods.   goods.
            Before filing a suit against Port a 30 days notice is mandatory
            5   By Ocean      Immediately when     Within 3 days when   Within 1 year from  Within 1 year from the
                Carrier       the damage is        the damage is not    the date of unloading date of unloading of
                              apparent.            apparent.            of goods.           goods.
            6.  Through       Liability is limited to Rs. 25-00 per parcel until & unless is insured with postal authorities but
                Postal        liability is limited to actual cost of the goods.

            7   By Sea Transit Within 6 months from  Within 6 months from Within one year from Within one year from
                              the date of discharge. the date of discharge. the date of discharge. the date of discharge.

           References: References have been taken from the contemporary text materials / related current discussions as read
           in hard & soft forms.

                                                  FORM IV (SEE RULE 8)

             1. Place                                              Kolkata

             2. Periodicity of Publication                         Monthly

             3. Printer’s  Name                                    Satyajug  Employees  Co-operative  Industrial  Society
                 (Whether citizen of India?)                       Yes
                 (If foreigner, state the country of origin)       No
                 Address                                           13, Prafulla Sarkar Street, Kolkata - 700 072
             4. Publisher’s Name                                   Sushil Kumar Agarwala
                 (Whether citizen of India?)                       Yes
                 (If foreigner, state the country of origin)       No
             5. Editor’s Name                                      CA Rakesh Agarwal
                 (Whether citizen of India?)                       Yes
                 (If foreigner, state the country of origin)       No
                 Address                                           25/1, Baranashi Ghosh Street, P.S. Girish Park,
                                                                   Kolkata - 700 007

             6. Name and address of individuals who own            Sushil Kumar Agarwala
                 the newspaper and partners or shareholders        Proprietor
                 holding more than one percent of the total capital  31/1,Sadananda Road, P.S. Kalighat, Kolkata - 700 026

                                                                            The Insurance Times, March 2017 25

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