Page 27 - Insurance Times March 2017 Sample
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introduced by January 2012 the highlights of the scheme    PPN is applicable to all retail customers to begin with
           were circulated to the policyholders and relevant provision  and shall exclude emergency cases and group clients.
           was incorporated in the policy documents. As per the circu-
                                                                  In case of PPN package rates no break-up is required to
           lated  highlights  following  main  points  of  the  system
                                                                   be submitted by the PPN hospitals/NH.
              CASHLESS benefit is provided for agreed package rates  While introducing the system the PSU companies declared
               and all other cases outside the package procedure only  that the purpose of working out such package rates and sta-
               in the PPN hospitals/NH.                        bilizing the hospitalisation costs will benefit the insured in
              For TRAUMA & EMERGENCY cases the cashless benefits  many ways. Lower cost of every hospitalisation will leave a
               may be provided by the TPA in Non-PPN hospitals/NH.  larger balance in the sum insured in the policy for future
                                                               hospitalisation within the policy period. Lower cost will also
              Jurisdiction for PPN network hospitals/NH has been
               specified (mainly within the municipal limits of major  reduce loading on policy premium at the time of renewal.
               cities) and for hospitals/NH outside such specified limits  This step is in the interest of all health insurance policy hold-
               the TPA will provide cashless benefits in all cases, pro-  ers.
               vided the such hospital/NH is network hospital of the
               TPA.                                            The un-stated reason for introducing PPN system was also
                                                               to minimise the loss ratio for health port-folio of the insur-
              Agreed PPN rates are all inclusive rates and only exclude  ers, which, in almost all the PSU companies, has been in the
               implant cost.                                   red for many years.
              Rates agreed by the PPN hospital/NH for specified pro-
               cedure, are the rates to be charged by them for both  Although the idea of PPN system when first introduced
               CASHLESS  AND  REIMBURSEMENT  cases  for        looked very good and out of box thinking for the benefit of
               hospitalisation period and shall be settled based on  all stakeholders, particularly the insuring public. There is no
               entitled category in the PPN hospitals/NH.      doubt that the intention behind introduction of the scheme
                                                               was to streamline the health services cost and smooth work-
              Claims shall be payable as per the entitled category for  ing of cashless system. However If we look at the above
               their respective sum insured under the policy. Such en-  aspects of the scheme and analyse how successfully the PPN
               titled categories are General ward for Sum insured upto  system has worked in practice we find that the most suf-
               Rs.100000/-, Semi Private Room for Sum insured more  ferer is the main stakeholder i.e. policyholders in the indus-
               than Rs.100000/- and not exceeding Rs.300000/- and  try. How the insuring public has been adversely affected on
               Private Room for Sum Insured exceeding Rs.300000/-.
                                                               account of working of the PPN system over the five years
              Similarly the limits for Cataract Surgery based on sum  can be analysed as under.
               insured under the policy are also specified.
               In case insured opts for higher room category than the Discriminatory aspect of the scheme
               entitled category, he needs to bear the difference of  For the specified procedures In the PPN Hospitals/NH irre-
               two package charges.                            spective of whether cashless benefit is availed or not claim
              In case of multiple procedures under PPN the 2nd sur-  settlements are made on the basis of agreed package rates
               gery shall be paid 50% of package charges.      only. In contrast to this if the policy holder takes treatment
                                                               in NON PPN Hospitals/NH claim settlements are made on
              For treatment other than specified procedures, the
                                                               actual basis as per the policy provisions. The premium cost
               cashless facility is available in all the empanelled PPN  for the policy holder irrespective of whether he avails treat-
               hospitals/NH also.
                                                               ment in PPN System or NON-PPN system hospital is same.
              The agreed package rates are for Standard, non-com-  If for availing treatment in PPN hospital the insured is not
               plicated cases as mentioned in the procedure list.  required to pay extra amount beyond the agreed package
              Sub-limits/disease capping under the policy shall not be  rates than there is no discrimination but as in many cases
               applicable for the PPN specified procedures.    the hospital charges more than the package rates the in-
                                                               sured has to bear the same and does not get reimburse-
              For all reimbursement cases apart from those availed  ment for such extra charges under the policy it becomes
               in the PPN Hospitals/NH, the same will be payable as
               per terms and conditions of the policy issued to the in-  discriminatory.
                                                               The one who gets treatment at NON-PPN hospital will get
                                                                            The Insurance Times, March 2017 27

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