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                                                               IRDAI Circular

          Report of IRDAI Committee on Risk Based                 framework for better policyholder protection. Earlier,
          Capital (RBC) Approach and Market Consistent            the  Authority  has  issued  guidelines  on  grievance
                                                                  redressal. It is felt necessary to merge some of the
          Valuation of Liability (MCVL) of Indian Insurance
                                                                  provisions of these guidelines into the Regulations.
          Industry                                                Further, the Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015
                                                                  has brought in amendments to section 45, section 39
          The Authority Constituted the Committee on Risk Based   which  are  required  to  be  suitably  factored  into
          Capital  Approach  and  Market  Consistent  Valuation  of  Regulations.
          Liabilities, vide its order Ref No. IRDA/ACT/ORD/MISC/116/
                                                              3. The consumer protection related provisions contained
          06/2016  dated  10/06/2016.  The  order  authorized  the
                                                                  in other regulations need to be aligned with Regulations
          committee to examine the changes required in the method
                                                                  meant for policyholder protection. In this background,
          of valuation of liabilities following the decision of Working
                                                                  it  is  imperative  to  revisit  the  IRDA  (Protection  of
          Group on Implementation of Ind-AS in insurance sector to
                                                                  Policyholders  Interest)  Regulations,  2002  for
          value  assets  at  marked  to  market  /  fair  value.  The
                                                                  strengthening the measures for policyholder protection.
          committee has submitted Part-I of its report on above
                                                                  Considering the above, the Authority proposes to issue
          subject. The report is attached for Public View.
                                                                  revised  Regulations  for  protection  of  interests  of
          Exposure  Draft  on  IRDAI  (Protection  of
                                                              4. Accordingly, an exposure draft on IRDAI (Protection of
          Policyholders' Interests) Regulations, 2017             Policyholders' Interests) Regulations, 2017 is herewith
          Ref: CAD /PPHI/2017                                     issued seeking comments of all stakeholders.
                                                              All stakeholders are requested to review the attached
          1. The basic framework for protection of policyholders'  exposure draft (Annexure-I) and forward  their views /
             interests  is  contained  in  the  IRDA  (Protection  of  comments in the prescribed format (Annexure-II).
             Policyholders'  Interests)  Regulations  2002  (PPHI  General Manager (Consumer Affairs Department),
             Regulations in short).                           Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India,
          2. There have been several changes that have come about  03rd Floor, Parisrama Bhavan, Basheerbagh,
             after 2002 which include introduction of new categories  HYDERABAD - 500004
             of  insurance  intermediaries  like  brokers,  web-  Comments may also be forwarded by e-mail to g.rajeshwar
             aggregators and new products like ULIP products etc.  [at] irda [dot] gov [dot] in.
             The channels of grievance redressal have also increased
             with the introduction of IGMS, IRDAI Grievance Call  TS Naik
             Centre etc.  and  introduction of  technology in  the  General Manager
             process of sourcing; sale and servicing of products  Consumer Affairs Department
             necessitate a commensurate change in the regulatory

                                                                          The Insurance Times, March 2017 51

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