Page 53 - Insurance Times March 2017 Sample
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   Removal of condition for mentor to hold COP only in  The following definitions were added:
             relevant line of business                        Definition of "Actuary"," Resident in India" and Institute of

            Post qualification experience of mentor is reduced from  Actuaries of India
             20 years to 15 years
                                                              3. Procedure of Appointment of an Appointed Actuary
            Vetting of New Products in Absence of AA by mentor     A  fellow  member  or  an  affiliate  member  in
             for a period of maximum one month                       accordance with Actuaries Act 2006

            Mentor should not be an employee/AA of any insurer     A  person  with  5  years  of  post-qualification
             in India                                                experience.

            Mentor should not have committed any breach of         Post qualification experience should be relevant for
             Professional conduct                                    nature, scale and complexity of the business.

            No disciplinary action should be pending against the    Must  have  worked  for  at  least  one  year  for
             Mentor at the time of application by the Institute of   statutory valuation.
             Actuaries of India or any other professional body
                                                                    The  Chairperson  of  the  Authority  will  issue
            Provision for Authority to issue appropriate clarifications  guidelines  from  time  to  time  regarding  the
             or modify the guidelines from time to time              transitory arrangement available to the insurer so
         You are requested to offer your comments/ suggestions on    that the statutory work doesn't get hampered.
         the proposed guidelines for consideration of the same by the  5. No insurer will work without an AA.
         Authority.  The comments/ suggestions in MS-WORD format  8. Duties & Obligations
         (Annexure-1)  should  be  sent  by  e-mail  to
                                                              General Provisions:    with   a   copy   to latest by 28th February, 2017.      Availability of all the records with the AA to conduct
                                                                 actuarial valuation of liabilities and assets of the insurer.
         S.P. Chakraborty                                       Expression of opinion by AA on underwriting policy,
         GM (Actuarial)                                          reinsurance arrangements & effective implementation
                                                                 of risk management systems
         Exposure Draft on IRDAI (Appointed Actuary)            If an AA is disqualified to act as an Actuary, he/she

         Regulations, 2017                                       ceases to be an AA forthwith
         Ref:IRDA/ACTL/REGN/2016-17                             Reference to pay due regard to generally accepted
                                                                 Actuarial principles while carrying out any task

         Based on the experience gained, since the last amendment  Life Insurance Business:
         effected in the year 2013, the Authority felt that there is a    Provisions  related  to  Mathematical  reserves,
         need to amend the IRDA (Appointed Actuary), Regulations,  methodologies and underlying models, sufficiency and
         2000. The basic framework for appointment of Appointed  quality  of  data,  and  reliability  and  accuracy  of
         Actuaries and their duties, functions etc. is prescribed in the  mathematical reserves.
         aforementioned Regulations.
                                                              General Insurance Business:
         The draft of IRDAI (Appointed Actuary), Regulations, 2017    To ensure that premium rates of the insurance products
         contains  the  following  key  changes  to  the  earlier  are fair.
         Regulations, amongst the others:                       Provisions  related  to  IBNR,  methodologies  and
         1.Short Title & Commencement                            underlying models, sufficiency and quality of data, and
         The draft regulations shall supersede the existing IRDA  reliability and accuracy of IBNR.
             (Appointed  Actuary)  Regulations,  2000  and  also
                                                              S.P. Chakraborty
             amendments made thereon in 2013.
                                                              GM (Actuarial)
         2. Definitions

                                                                          The Insurance Times, March 2017 53

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