Page 36 - Insurance Times March 2021
P. 36

support the insurance business in India, with proper  to increase the FDI limit in insurance companies to 74% from
         regulations, which will help to achieve the national agenda  the present 49%, with Indian management control. Under
         of 'financial inclusion' in the country.             the new structure, majority of directors and management
                                                              persons would be resident Indians with at least 50% of the
         The Jan Suraksha schemes has been a great move in    directors being independent directors and a specified
         deepening the penetration and density of insurance in India,  percentage of profits being retained as general reserve.
         which can be seen in the improvement in the insurance  Earlier, Government has liberalised the sector to 49% from
         density to $78 in 2019 from $55 in 2014 and penetration to  26% in 2014 but took more than a year for the necessary
         3.8% in 2019 from 3.3% in 2014 in the country. However, India  guidelines to come in place.
         lags both in insurance penetration and density compared to
         other developed countries. In insurance penetration US is at  However, the process was relatively faster when FDI in
         11.43%, UK 10.30% and in Asian countries like Japan at 9%,  insurance intermediaries was liberalized to 100% in 2019.
         South Korea 10.78% and Singapore 7.55%.  The world average  Though, the move is the need of the hour, but it should be
         of insurance penetration is at 7.23% (Life: 3.35 & Non-life:  implemented quickly, so that will help to the capital starved
         3.88) and density of $818 (life: $379 & non-life: $439) (Swiss  companies to meet their growth and regulatory capital. It
         Re, Sigma; 4/2020).                                  is also expected that fresh capital will bring a new wave in
                                                              better technical know-how, innovation, and new products
                                                              to the advantage of the consumers. This may push up the
                                                              insurance penetration in the country, which is staggering at
                                                              a very low level, compared to peer group of countries
                                                              around the world.

                                                              Impact on Equity Capital of the Insurers

                                                              The move will give the foreign investor an opportunity to
                                                              tap the Indian insurance market and the FDI cap hike may
                                                              help the insurance industry in two ways; (i) may help the
                                                              insurerto access capital, and (ii) could act as a trigger for
                                                              listing of insurance players. In our view, this may happen in
                                                              two scenarios: first, dis-investment of the Indian promoter's
                                                              stake to 26%; or Second,by keeping the Indian promoter's
                                                              stake at present level (in amount), but enhance the foreign
                                                              investments, so that the new ratio of domestic and foreign
                                                              insurer stake would be at 26:74. In this paper, we have
                                                              estimated the amount of capital may flows into the sector
                                                              through foreign investments by both the scenario.

         Insurance in Union Budget 2020-21
         In the Union Budget for 2021-22, Government has proposed

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