Page 49 - The Insurance Times June 2020
P. 49

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) code                   Extension of time limit applicable to

         IRDAI/F&A/CIR/MISC/134/06/2020                       Public Disclosures on websites
                                             Date:05-06-2020  IRDA/F&A/CIR/MISC/132/06/2020
                                                                                                 Date: 04-06-2020
         A. Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) code has been conceived of
             as a key measure to improve the quality and accuracy  The Authority has issued directions vide circular ref. IRDA/
                                                              F&I/CIR/F&A/012/01/2010 dt. 28th January 2010 for hosting
             of financial data systems for better risk management
                                                              the financial and other information in specified formats on
             post the Global Financial Crisis. The LEI is a 20-character
                                                              the respective websites by insurers. Similarly, the Authority
             unique identity code assigned to entities who are
                                                              has also mandated insurers to furnish various online returns
             parties to a financial transaction. The Reserve Bank of
                                                              and financial information through the BAP Portal.
             India vide circulars RBI/2016-17/314 dated 1st June,
             2017, RBI/2017-18/82 dated 2nd November, 2017, RBI/
                                                              In view of the lockdown and restrictions imposed to contain
             2018-19/83 dated 29th November, 2018 and RBI/2018-
                                                              the spread of the COVID 19 pandemic, the Authority had
             19/177 dated 26th April, 2019, has implemented the
                                                              already extended the time limit for furnishing various
             requirement of LEI in OTC derivatives markets, banking
                                                              returns and reporting compliances by insurers, vide circular
             sector and govt. securities market in a phased manner.
                                                              ref. IRDAI/Life/Cir/Misc/079/04/2020 dt. 4th April, 2020 to
             LEI can be obtained from Legal Entity Identifier India
                                                              mitigate any hardships. The time limit for furnishing all
                                                              quarterly, half-yearly and annual returns for the period
         B. Pursuant to the advice of the Financial Stability  ending on 31.03.2020 has been extended by 30 days.
             Development Council, Sub-Committee (FSDC-SC), IRDAI
             examined the requirement to obtain LEI by its regulated  It is hereby clarified that the time limit for ensuring
             entities and the entities dealing with the regulated  compliance with the directions regarding Public Disclosures
             entities. Accordingly, it has been decided that  on websites by insurers for the period ending 31st March
             i.  insurers shall necessarily obtain LEI as per the  2020 is also extended by 30 days.
                 procedure prescribed in the above referred
                 circulars on or before 31st July, 2020;      All insurers are advised to adhere to directions regarding
                                                              the time limits and ensure regulatory compliance.
             ii.  insurers shall advise their existing corporate
                 borrowers having total exposures of Rs. 50 crore
                                                              Pravin Kutumbe
                 and above, and have not obtained LEI till now, shall
                 obtain LEI and provide the LEI information on or  (Member F&I)
                 before 30th June, 2020,
                                                              Disclosure of underwriting philosophy of
             iii. borrowers who do not obtain LEI, are not to be
                 granted renewal/enhancement of credit facilities offering Insurance coverage to Persons

                 by the insurers,                             with Disability (PWD) and people
             iv. no new loan proposals shall be sanctioned by the  affected with HIV/AIDS and Mental
                 insurers without LEI information, and
                                                              Illness diseases.
             v.  insurers shall capture the LEI code of corporate
                 borrowers in their records and specify the same  IRDAI/HLT/MISC/CIR/129/06/2020
                 while reporting the transactions executed with such                             Date:02-06-2020
                 corporate borrowers.
         C. This circular is issued under the powers vested in Section  1. Reference is drawn to the provisions of IRDAI (Health
             34 (1) of Insurance Act, 1938.                      Insurance) Regulations, 2016 in accordance to which
                                                                 every insurer shall evolve a health insurance
         Pravin Kutumbe                                          underwriting policy covering approach and aspects
         Member (F&I)                                            relating to offering health insurance coverage not only
                                                                 to standard lives but also to substandard lives. Further

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