Page 52 - The Insurance Times June 2020
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                                                                                                       (`` `` ` Crores)
             YTD Varia-  Upto  tion in %  -86.70%  391  -14.35%  9707  -40.00%  5  ---  0  -17.28%  10159  -66.67%  6  -54.30%  1617  ---  0  ---  0  -54.83%  1647  162.50%  8  74.93%  714  ---  0  ---  0  77.46%  723  -29.63%  54  4.13%  14207  25.00%  4  ---  0  4.00%  14269  -99.80%  4948  -64.16%  15166  ---  0  ---  0  -72.91%  20114  531.25%  16  40.92%  3265  ---  0  ---  0  43.37%  3281  -97.64%  847  39.79%  2541  ---  0  ---  0  5.43%  3391  -63.68%  234  -30.55

           No. of Policies / Schemes  Month of  Upto  Apr-2019  Apr-2019  Apr-2020  391  52  9707  8314  5  3  0  0  10159  8404  6  2  1617  739  0  0  0  0  1647  744  8  21  714  1249  0  0  0  0  723  1283  54  38  14207  14794  4  5  0  0  14269  14840  4948  10  15166  5435  0  3  0  0  20114  5448  16  101  3265  4601  0  0  0  0  3281  4704  847  20  2541  3552  0  0  0  0  3391  3575  234  85  9007  6255  0  0  1  3  9242  6343  14  0  144  1597  2  0  0  0  160

             Month of  Apr-2020  52  8314  3  0  8404  2  739  0  0  744  21  1249  0  0  1283  38  14794  5  0  14840  10  5435  3  0  5448  101  4601  0  0  4704  20  3552  0  0  3575  85  6255  0  3  6343  0  1597  0  0  1599  1 163  35534  15  0  36718  630  30181  1  0  30917  183  332  0  0  515

             YTD Varia-  Upto  tion in %  -77.60%  1 1.97  -23.55%  65.13  458.68%  36.13  -21.65%  0.55  120.28%  118.83  -86.61%  0.10  -48.74%  5.08  ---  0.00  ---  0.00  -54.53%  8.18  158.78%  0.26  164.32%  4.16  -61.44%  0.18  17.20%  0.06  252.05%  5.40  -129.81%  3.99  1.05%  72.13  81.79%  122.15  -34079.75%  0.00  43.64%  218.63  -75.30%  3.89  -27.62%  31.19  -57.92%  14.37  ---  0.00  -40.18%  49.46  282.35%  3.78  -57.05%  25.74  -99.45%  153.90  -71.45%  0

           Premium in Rs. Crore  Month of  Upto  Apr-2019  Apr-2019  1 1.97  2.68  65.13  49.79  36.13  201.84  0.55  0.43  118.83  261.75  0.10  0.01  5.08  2.60  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  8.18  3.72  0.26  0.67  4.16  10.99  0.18  0.07  0.06  0.07  5.40  19.02  3.99  -1.19  72.13  72.88  122.15  222.06  0.00  0.00  218.63  314.04  3.89  0.96  31.19  22.58  14.37  6.05  0.00  0.00  49.46  29.59  3.78  14.46  25.74  1 1.06  153.90  0.85  0.32  0.09  183.74  27.05  0.34  1.1

             Month of  Apr-2020  Apr-2020  2.68  49.79  201.84  0.43  261.75  0.01  2.60  0.00  0.00  3.72  0.67  10.99  0.07  0.07  19.02  -1.19  72.88  222.06  0.00  314.04  0.96  22.58  6.05  0.00  29.59  14.46  1 1.06  0.85  0.09  27.05  1.18  14.53  0.47  0.00  16.46  7.17  15.97  0.00  1.52  25.26  0.00  1 1.41  -1.27  0.00  10.67  92.61  181.95  386.29  0.00  668.89  50.68  150.17  29.19  0.00  256.19  4.06  2.26  0.60  0.00  6.92

                 Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Co. Ltd.  Individual Non Single Premium  Aegon Life Insurance Co. Ltd.  Individual Non Single Premium  Aviva Life Insurance Co. Ltd.  Individual Non Single Premium  Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd.  Individual Non Single Premium  Bharti AXA Life Insurance Co. Ltd.  Individual Non Single Premium  Canara HSBC OBC Life Insurance Co. Ltd.  Individual Non Single Premium  Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance Co. Ltd.  Individual N

           Particulars  Individual Single Premium  Group Single Premium Group Non Single Premium  Total  Individual Single Premium  Group Single Premium Group Non Single Premium  Total  Individual Single Premium  Group Single Premium Group Non Single Premium  Total  Individual Single Premium  Group Single Premium Group Non Single Premium  Total  Individual Single Premium  Group Single Premium Group Non Single Premium  Total  Individual Single Premium  Group Single Premium

           Sl.  No.  1   2       3       4       5      6       7       8       9       10      11      12

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