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Course Fees INR 15,000 or USD 350 for international participants
Special Offer for first 100 Registrations: 25% Discount on Course Fees - INR 11,250 or USD 262.50
Special Offer for RMAI Members: 40% Discount on Course Fees for Registration till 30th June 2020 - INR
After 30th June RMAI Members will continue to get 15% discount
Final Exam Fees INR Rs.750 Examination Fees - Indian Students
US $ 20 - International Students ( To be paid Later)
Final Exam shall be conducted by Remote Invigilation.
Course Methodology ( which will have list for all new openings
and opportunities in risk management and related fields
i) Online Course spread over eight week ( E Learning
Modules ) X Opportunity for publication of research paper and
articles in RMAI Bulletin and other platforms
ii) 8 Modules of three hours each Plus Project
X Participate in Webinars conducted during the period
iii) Quiz during each module to check understanding
iv) Query Management Sessions by Experts Payment Options:
v) Individual Project and Guidelines 1. You can remit the payment by NEFT in our Bank Account
vi) Course Completion Assessment details below
Bank Details of Association :
vii) Final Exam by Remote Invigilation
Risk Management Association of India
More about AICP London Bank of India Account Number: 402110110007820
Association of Internal Control Professionals was established Branch: Vivekananda Road Branch
in London in 2014 the Institute is a not-for-profit Type of Account: Savings
organisation whose registered office is at; 71-75 Shelton IFSC Code : BKID0004021
Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ.
MICR Code: 700013048
AICP is Europe's one of leading Institute for professional
2. You can Make Payment by Debit Card/Credit Card/
excellence in Internal Control, Risk Management, Corporate Wallet/Net Banking/UPI/EMI
Governance and Compliance, and an innovator in internal
RMAI Non Members Please click here to pay Rs.12000
control and risk management in Procurement & Supply Chain
- Valid For First 100 Registrations
Management Operations.
( Rs.11250 plus Exam Fees Rs.750 )
The institute's professional membership currently extends
RMAI Members Please click here to pay Rs.9750 - Valid
to twenty-one countries and provides access to a wealth of
till 30th June 2020
skill building, reinforced through consulting, training,
assessments, and certificated courses through eLearning. (Rs.9000 plus exam fees Rs.750 )
Website: International Students: Pay US $ 262.50 Plus Exam Fees
US $ 20 - Valid For First 100 Registrations - Please pay
Value-added Benefits directly in Bank by NEFT.
X Complimentary Student Membership of RMAI for One 3. Companies who want to enroll their employees in bulk
Year you can continuously update your knowledge on can request for a invoice at
the subject of Risk Management and upgrade your skill-
In case of any Query about the Course you can contact
set with various initiatives of RMAI during the year (
Valid for First 100 Registrations )
X Complimentary Subscription to Online Insurance or Phone: 9903040775/8232083010
Banking Library from SASHI PUBLICATIONS Post: Risk Management Association of India, 25/1,
X Career Opportunity Section on the Website of RMAI Baranashi Ghosh Street, Kolkata – 700007. India
The Insurance Times, June 2020 47