Page 23 - Insurance Times November 2022
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India operated under a public sector insurance regime from  upon customers getting hospitalized for treatment. Then
          1956 in Life and 1972 in non-life to 1999/ 2000, when the  non-life  public  sector  companies  manufactured  such
          insurance sector was again liberalized.             products.

          As of 2022, there are 23 Life insurance companies and 30  Around 1993-94, LIC of India, the sole public sector life
          GI & Standalone Health insurance companies, while one  insurance company then, introduced first-time benefit-based
          Indian reinsurance company.                         cover where  a sum assured  was paid  to customers on
                                                              detection of certain critical illnesses such as cancer, etc. The
          Government Health Care Expenditure                  product  features  were  endowment  type  where  the
                                                              customer gets  the  sum assured either at  the  time  of
          Government expenditure on health care reflects the care
                                                              contracting a disease or till the survival at the end of the
          taken  by  the  government  on  the nation's  health  that
                                                                                policy term.
          contributes towards productivity.
          Many developed countries like the
                                                                                Most of the health insurance in India
          US, EU, etc., have around 10% of  Health insurance in India started
                                                                                was limited to medical claims till the
          GDP  as  expenditure  on  health  relatively late in the mid-1980s with
                                                                                opening of the insurance sector in the
          care,  as  can  be  seen  from  the  the introduction of "Mediclaim"
                                                                                year  2000.  At  the  time  of
          below  chart,  while  the  US  has
                                         policies (indemnity type), where the   liberalization,  there  were  few
          close to 16% of the GDP. On the
                                         cover was limited to reimbursing the   international  standalone  health
          other hand, developing  nations
                                         cost of treatment through              insurance companies lined up, like
          and  south  Asian  countries,
                                         hospitalization.                       Aetna,  Cigna,  and  others,  for
          including India and Malaysia, have
                                                                                operation  in  India; however, they
          expenditures of less than 4%. A
                                                                                were looking for  the lower capital
          nation with low government expenditure on health care
                                                              requirement for health companies compared to life and non-
          largely relies on the insurance sector to provide funding by
                                                              life companies, which regulators did not allow. Star Health
          customers paying a premium for themselves.
                                                              was the first standalone health insurance provider in India
                                                                                 to begin its operations in the year
                                                                                 Spread  of Insurance in

                                                                                 According to the report by Niti Aayog
                                                                                 published in October 2021 focusing
                                                                                 on  "Health  Insurance  for  India's
                                                                                 Missing Middle," below mentioned
                                                                                 table  on  the  spread  of  health
                                                                                 insurance by the government sector,
                                                                                 social  health  insurance  scheme,

         Source: World Bank
          Background of Health Insurance in India                    Online Insurance News Desk
          Traditionally, health insurance in India started in 1986 with  Get latest updates on Insurance Industry in India
          the introduction of "Mediclaim" policies (indemnity type  at our Online Insurance Youtube channel
          cover), where the cost of cover is used to get reimbursed

                                                                        The Insurance Times  November 2022  19
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