Page 25 - Insurance Times November 2022
P. 25

Sr. No  Types of Business                         Health-   Health- Government     Overseas   Total
                                                              Retail    Group    schemes      Medical
             5     Future Generali India Insurance Co Ltd      23         67        ---          1        91
             6     Go Digit General Insurance Ltd               6        129        ---          1        136
             7     HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co Ltd          435       282        ---          5        722
             8     Previous Year                               416       154        ---          1        571

             9     ICICI Lombard General Insurance Co Ltd      135       828        ---          38      1,000
             10    IFFCO-Tokio General Insurance Co Ltd        26        264        -1           1        289
             11    Kotak Mahindra General Insurance Co Ltd     11         34        ---          ---      44
             12    Liberty  General Insurance Co. Ltd           8         86        ---          5        99
             13    Magma HDI General Insurance Co Ltd           5         25        ---          ---      30
             14    National Insurance Co Ltd*                  334       396        95           1        826
             15    Navi General Insurance Co. Ltd               5         4         ---          ---       9
             16    Raheja QBE General Insurance Co Ltd          0         2         ---          ---       2
             17    Reliance General Insurance Co Ltd           35        259        29           13       337
             18    Royal Sundaram General Insurance Co Ltd     30         60        ---          1        92
             19    SBI General Insurance Co Ltd                64        198        ---          1        263
             20    Shriram General Insurance Co Ltd             0         ---       ---          ---       0
             21    Tata AIG General Insurance Co Ltd           85        208        ---          45       338
             22    The New India Assurance Co Ltd*             391      2,721       529          2       3,642
             23    The Oriental Insurance Co Ltd*              254       902        27           1       1,184
             24    United India Insurance Co Ltd*              200       805        460          1       1,467
             25    Universal Sompo General Insurance Co Ltd    17         50        ---          ---      67
                   Total                                      2,243     7,788      1,248        151     11,430
                   Percentagme of Business                     20%       68%       11%          1%

          *Public sector general insurance companies

          In the first two months of financial year 2022-23, the health  indicating that the rest 21 non-life companies do only 38%
          insurance industry underwrote Rs.11,430 Cr of business; out  group  business.  These  data indicate  that public  sector
          of this, 20% of the business came from individual health, 68%  companies take the bulk of risks in the health sector domain.
          from group health, 11% from government health schemes,
                                                              Many private insurance players stopped underwriting group
          and 1% from overseas health business.
                                                              health insurance business post-COVID-19 due to higher risk.
                                                              The penetration shown by retail health insurance in the
          The four public sector general insurance companies did
                                                              context of an overall health insurance premium of 20%
          Rs.7118 of business which is 62% of the total business,
                                                              seems to be on the lower side.
          indicating that public sector companies are still doing the
          bulk of the health insurance business. Interestingly only 11%
          of the total premium is covered by government health  Standalone health Insurance
          insurance,  which  covers  61%  of  the  total  population  The table below shows the new business of health insurance
          indicating the smaller ticket size. Out of the group health  premium (INR, Cr) by the standalone health insurance player
          business of Rs.7788 Cr, the four public sector companies did  in the Indian market by the end of month of May for the
          Rs.4823 Cr, which is 62% of the total group health business,  financial year 2022-23.

                                                                        The Insurance Times  November 2022  21
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