Page 26 - Insurance Times November 2022
P. 26

Standalone Health Insurers                Health-   Health-  Health-Government    Overseas   Total
                                                      Retail   Group         schemes         Medical
           Nivabupa health insurance company limited  387        97             ---             1        485
           Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co Ltd       110        216            ---             ---      326
           Care Health Insurance Ltd                  341        278            ---             27       646
           ManipalCigna Health Insurance Co Ltd        70        119            ---             0        189
           Star Health & Allied Insurance Co Ltd      1,392      103            ---             0       1,495
           Stand-alone Health sub-Total               2,300      813            ---             28      3,140
           Percentage of Standalone                   73%       26%             0%             1%
           Industry Total                             4,543     8,601         1,248            178     14,570

          The standalone health insurance companies primarily focus  under the entire non-life, including health insurance and
          on  individual  health insurance while making negligible  other non-life insurance,  is 1% in 2020-21. Of the large
          contributions towards the government  health schemes  proportion of the population covered under the government
          comprising 61% (from table-1) of the population.    health insurance scheme, 61%, only 11% of the total premium
                                                              is contributed through this way. Further out of the total
          The skewness of premium income between standalone and  government health insurance premium, 62% is contributed
          general insurance companies is shown below. On the retail  by the public sector general  insurance companies. This
          health side, both are doing similar business, while in group  indicates that a high percentage of the population covered
          business, the standalone contribution is around 10% of GI  (61%) by the government health insurance schemes may not
          companies.                                          have enough coverage to meet their medical health needs
                                                              because of the lower sum assured.

                                                              Further, the  load of  group health insurance  schemes is
                                                              primarily taken by public sector general insurance companies
                                                              by doing 62% of the total group health insurance.

                                                              Individual health insurance coverage is on the lower side,
                                                              visible both from the population covered (9%) and premium
                                                              collected 20% of the total premium. Out of this 20% of the
                                                              retail premium, the standalone health insurance companies
                                                              are doing 73% of the business. So individual health insurance
                                                              companies are mainly focusing on retail health insurance.

                                                              Overall, the health insurance business in India is skewed
          Discussion                                          toward public sector general  insurance companies that
          The healthcare expenditure by the government in India is  contribute 62% of the total premium income. They also largely
          around 3% (world bank data) of GDP in the year 2018-19. This  contribute towards the government health insurance 62% of
          coverage is well below European Union and the UK at about  the total group health insurance premium while standalone
          10%, where the health insurance system is well developed,  health insurance companies focus on retail health.
          and the health care benefits are free for the people in the
          UK. However, the government's low investment in health Conclusion
          care forces people to rely on health insurance.     In population terms, India has insured 70% of the population;
                                                              the government health insurance schemes cover 61% of this
          With a population of 135 Cr people, 70% of them, 94.5 Cr,  population, but the premium contribution is low at 11%.
          are insured, according to the Niti Aayog report, which is quite  Public sector general insurance companies are taking most
          substantial. However, despite the large population covered  of  the  health insurance  load, while standalone health
          by the health insurance schemes, the insurance penetration  insurance companies are doing retail business.

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