Page 10 - Banking Finance August 2023
P. 10


          His stint with RBI included being a  ensure that banks do not run into as-  Bank for Agriculture and Rural Develop-
          member of the faculty at the Bankers'  set liability mismatches.     ment (Nabard), Sitharaman advised the
          Training College. He has worked in the                               agri-finance institution to work towards
          central office as well as the Bengaluru,                             ensuring efficiency and outcomes at the
                                            RBI slaps fine on J&K Bank
          Mumbai, and New Delhi Regional Of-                                   ground level with improvement in rural
                                            BoM and Axis Bank
          fices of the Reserve Bank.                                           income as the top priority.
                                            Reserve Bank  of India  (RBI) slapped
                                                                               With production  and marketing of
          RBI Dy Guv Janakiraman            fines on the lenders for non-compliance  'Shree Anna' a national priority in the
                                            on certain directions.
                                                                               ongoing International Year of Millets
          gets 6 depts
                                            Jammu and Kashmir Bank was down    2023, she also directed Nabard to en-
          Newly-appointed  Reserve  Bank
                                            0.7 percent at Rs 56.10 at 10.18am on  courage farmers to enhance the area
          Deputy  Governor  Swaminathan
                                            the National Stock Exchange (NSE),  covered under Millets, and to protect
          Janakiraman will look after six depart-
                                            while Bank of Maharashtra was trad-  the returns of farmers who are already
          ments, including supervision and finan-
                                            ing 0.37 percent lower and Axis Bank  growing Also  Read -  IDBI  Bank Q1
          cial inclusion, the central bank said in
                                            0.26 percent lower.                profit jumps 62% to Rs 1,224 crore
          a release. Janakiraman replaced M K
                                            Jammu and Kashmir Bank was fined Rs  millets.
          Jain who recently demitted office after
                                            2.5 crore as it did not ensure necessary  "The Finance Minister emphasised on
          completion of his term. The other port-
                                            steps to see if the data submitted to  concerted efforts to sensitize farmers
          folios allocated to Janakiraman are In-
                                            Central Repository of Information and  to  shift towards  more remunerative
          spection Department, Premises De-
                                            Large Credit (CRILC) was accurate or  but less  water-guzzling crops,  espe-
          partment,  Rajbhasha  Department,
                                            not. CRILC collects and stores data on  cially millets, pulses and oilseeds," a
          and Consumer Education and Protec-
                                            borrowers' credit exposure. The bank  Finance Ministry tweet said.
          tion Department.
                                            sent messages through the SWIFT net-
                                            work without confirming if the trans-  Compromise settlement is
          RBI governor asks banks           actions are accurately recorded in the
                                                                               not available to borrowers
                                            Core Banking System (CBS) or  not.
          to focus on governance
                                            Jammu and Kashmir Bank had granted
          RBI  governor  Shaktikanta  Das  has                                 as a matter of right: RBI
                                            loan to a corporation without confirm-
          asked banks to strengthen governance                                 The Reserve Bank  of India  (RBI) has
                                            ing if the bank had the resources to
          standards and to pay special attention                               plugged interpretation gaps in its re-
                                            pay back the debt.
          to compliance, risk management and                                   cently issued circular on "Framework
                                            Bank of Maharashtra has been asked  for Compromise Settlements and Tech-
          audit functions.  In a meeting  with
                                            to  cough  up Rs  1.45  crore  since it  nical Writeoffs", clarifying "penal mea-
          bank chiefs, he also asked them to
                                            granted loan to a corporation without  sures" and "minimum cooling period",
          ensure that they adhere to the central
                                            thoroughly checking if the projects  among others, through frequently
          bank's guidelines on linking retail loans
                                            would generate enough  revenue to  asked questions.
          to an external benchmark. Das met
                                            repay the debt. The bank also failed to
          with managing directors and chief ex-                                This comes in the wake of bank unions
                                            implement certain control measures
          ecutive officers of public sector banks                              opposing a clause in the circular that
                                            for ATMs.
          and large private banks.                                             allows banks' boards to take up propos-
                                                                               als for compromise settlements in re-
          The governor acknowledged the per-  Take steps to boost rural
                                                                               spect of debtors classified as fraud or
          formance of the Indian banking system
                                            credit: FM tells Nabard            wilful defaulter.
          despite challenging  global  circum-
                                            Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman
          stances. However, he emphasised the                                  The central bank underscored that
                                            asked Nabard to encourage farmers to
          importance of remaining cautious and                                 compromise settlement is not available
                                            shift towards more remunerative but
          vigilant during such times. In the past,                             to  borrowers as  a matter of  right;
                                            less waterguzzling crops, especially
          the central bank had raised concerns                                 rather, it is a discretion to be exercised
                                            millets, pulses and oilseeds.
          over the growing level of unsecured                                  by the lenders based on their commer-
          loans . It had highlighted the need to  In a  review  meeting of the National  cial judgment.
            10 | 2023 | AUGUST                                                             | BANKING FINANCE
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