Page 7 - Banking Finance August 2023
P. 7


          than three-fourths of the total 3.62  "This will enable customers to easily  With  number  of  bank
          lakh crore of Rs 2,000 bank notes have  identify banks covered by the Deposit
                                                                               mitras touching 8.5 lakh,
          come back  to  the system by way of  Insurance Scheme of DICGC and facili-
          deposits (over 85%) and  the rest as  tate timely access to information on  last-mile banking gets a
          note exchanges. Deposits rose 13% in  Deposit Insurance," it said.
          the reporting fortnight and  sequen-
                                                                               The number of bank mitras, the field
          tially, it expanded by 3.2% to Rs 191.6
                                            SBI offers cardless opera-
                                                                               force to ensure lastmile financial con-
          lakh crore.
                                            tions at any ATM                   nectivity, has now reached 8.50 lakh,
                                            SBI has made cardless cash withdraw-  making a significant impact on finan-
          PSBs to step up one-time
                                            als interoperable by allowing custom-  cial inclusion.
          settlement in written-off         ers of any bank to draw cash from any  Last financial year witnessed the addi-
          loans                             ATM that has  the UPI QR cash func-  tion of almost one lakh bank mitras,
                                            tion. The bank has also launched a re-
          Public sector banks (PSBs) are expected                              who are employed as field agents by
                                            vamped version of its flagship Yono app.  the business correspondents to render
          to step up one-time settlement (OTS)
          in written-off loans as the Finance Min-  By utilising the 'UPI QR cash' function-  lastmile financial services, taking the
          istry and the Reserve Bank of India  ality, users can generate a dynamic QR  total number to 8.50 lakh, as per Fi-
          have emphasised on the importance of  code displayed on the ATM screen and  nance Ministry data.
          improving recovery from these ac-  withdraw  cash  using  their  UPI  "These are like a silent army deliver-
          counts.                           application's  'scan-and-pay' feature.  ing branchless banking across the
                                            This  solution  not only simplifies  the
          Since legal action can be drawn out,                                 country. The Covid19 pandemic proved
                                            withdrawal process but also enhances
          the state-owned lenders are seen ac-                                 the efficacy of the bank mitra model
                                            security by eliminating the need  for
          tively pursuing OTS to meet the Fi-                                  and they rendered notable service," a
                                            PIN entry or physical handling of debit  senior official of the Indian Banks As-
          nance Ministry-set target of making
                                            cards, minimising risks associated with  sociation (IBA) told.
          about 40 per cent recovery from writ-
                                            fraudulent activities.
          ten-off loan accounts.                                               The increased penetration  is due to
                                                                               diverse  factors.  According  to
          PSBs could recover only 14 per cent (or
                                            No chairman for six of 11          Bibekananda Panda, Senior Economist,
          Rs. 1.03-lakh crore) from written-off
          loans aggregating Rs. 7.34-lakh crore state-run banks for years      State Bank of India, given the penetra-
                                                                               tion of digital banking in the country,
          in the  last five years ended March  At a time when the Reserve Bank of
          2022.                             India (RBI) has been underscoring the  banks are strategically deploying more
                                                                               bank mitras  to deliver superior cus-
                                            need for governance in commercial
                                                                               tomer service at a lesser cost.
          DICGC asks banks to dis-          banks, six  of 11 public sector banks
                                            (PSBs) still do not have a non-executive
          play its logo
                                            chairman. Some of these posts have Locker rules: Banks urge
          Deposit Insurance and Credit Guaran-
                                            been lying vacant for more than two
                                                                               customers  to get stamp
          tee Corporation (DICGC) has asked all
          insured banks to display the DICGC                                   papers to avoid delay
                                            UCO Bank, Bank of Maharashtra, Bank
          Logo and QR Code linked to its website                               Stamp papers may turn out to be the
                                            of India, Indian Overseas Bank, Indian
          on the banks' internet banking portals                               biggest problem for customers signing
                                            Bank, and Central Bank of India do not
          and websites.                                                        the latest agreement for bank lockers,
                                            have a non-executive chairman.
          The decision taken in consultation with                              as directed by RBI.
                                            UCO Bank and Bank of Maharashtra
          the Reserve Bank of India, has been                                  RBI recently instructed all banks to
                                            never had a part-time chairman since
          taken with a view to enhance aware-                                  execute a fresh locker agreement with
                                            the process of splitting the chairman
          ness about Deposit Insurance in a fo-                                customers, the deadline for which has
                                            and managing director (MD) posts
          cused and sustained  manner, DICGC                                   been set on December 31. This agree-
                                            started in 2015.
          said.                                                                ment has to be executed by all bank
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