Page 5 - Banking Finance August 2023
P. 5



          PNB launches virtual arm          theatre across the street, PNB manag-  ready has, the total number of bank-
                                            ing director Atul Kumar Goel said.  ing outlets is now more than 6,000
          in Metaverse
                                                                               across the country.The bank currently
          Punjab National Bank announced the                                   serves more than three crore custom-
                                            J&K Bank launches mobile
          launch  of  a  virtual  branch,  PNB
                                                                               ers across the country.
          Metaverse.                        branches        in     remote
                                                                               "India needs a deeper penetration of
          It is a virtual branch of the bank, which Ladakh
                                                                               banking outlets to ensure that every-
          will deliver a unique experience of
                                            Jammu and Kashmir Bank launched    one has access to banking. With our
          banking to existing and new custom-
                                            two mobile branches in Ladakh to of-  rapidly growing branch network and
          ers who can now explore the bank's
                                            fer banking services in remote areas of  digital offerings, Bandhan Bank re-
          products and  services such as bank
                                            the Union Territory.               mains committed to further enhancing
          deposits,  retail/MSME loans,  digital                               convenience, security and accessibility
                                            "J&K  bank  dedicated  two  mobile
          products, women/senior citizens, 'Do                                 for our customers," Chandra Shekhar
                                            branches -- 'J&K Bank on Wheels' -- for
          It Yourself' and government flagship                                 Ghosh,  MD  & CEO,  Bandhan Bank
                                            public in Ladakh that will extend bank-
          schemes, PNB said in a statement.
                                            ing services to the people of various  said.
          PNB  has  developed  the  Bank's
                                            remote and unbanked areas of the UT,"
          Metaverse  Branch,  where  its  es-
                                            a spokesman of the bank said.      SBI starts outsourcing to
          teemed customers will get exclusive
                                            He said Ladakh Lieutenant Governor B
          access to its virtual environment from                               wholly owned SBOSS
                                            D Mishra inaugurated the two mobile
          the comfort of their home or office                                  SBI chairman Dinesh  Khara said  the
                                            branches at the iconic Leh Gate in the
          through  their  mobile  phones  and                                  bank has  started outsourcing opera-
                                            presence of J&K Bank MD and CEO
          laptops, it said.                                                    tions to its wholly owned  subsidiary
                                            Baldev Prakash.
          In  addition, the bank will offer an                                 State Bank  Operations Support Ser-
          immersive 3D experience to the cus-                                  vices (SBOSS) during the current finan-
                                            Bandhan  Bank  triples
          tomers  while performing traditional                                 cial year.
          banking activities through their digital  branch network             In reply to a query on staff shortages,
          avatars, it said.                                                    Khara said that SBI had recruited 7,775
                                            Bandhan Bank has tripled  its branch
          In this new  phase of the internet,  network in the last eight years to more  personnel  during  FY23  and  was
          which evolves from a disparate collec-  than 1,500 bank branches at present,  outsourcing to its wholly owned subsid-
          tion of sites and apps into a persistent  up from 501 branches when it started  iary. "The intention is to render sup-
          3D environment, where moving from  its journey as a universal bank in Au-  port to the staff in the bank branches,"
          work to a social platform is as simple  gust 2015. With a network of another  said Khara, speaking at the bank's an-
          as walking from the office to the movie  4,500 banking units that the bank al-  nual general meeting.
            BANKING FINANCE |                                                                AUGUST | 2023 | 5
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