Page 13 - Life Insurance Today FEBRUARY 2016
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Farmers & Big Farmers would be our source to sell Farm-         sentative who should be suitably remunerated. It is re-
ers Package Policy, Motor Policy, Livestock Policy, Health      quired to arrange extensive Training for NGOs, Agents,
Policy, Householders & Shopkeepers Policy, Plantation In-       Rural Representatives, Paid Employees of Green Center /
surance Policy.                                                 District Offices.

Low Income Group Segments for BPL Families: For                 Publicity:

Metro Cities like Mumbai, Zhomadpati Population having          Wall Painting & wall Posters, Painting in Public Transport
BPL Card may be grouped under this Segment.                     System, Through FM Channel/Mobile SMS, Cinema Hall Ad
                                                                Clip & T.V Ad Clips, Hoardings, Product Leaflets through
In this segment, Agricultural Labourer & Persons belong-        Newspaper Vendors, Organizing Health / Eye Camps in col-
ing to below Poverty Line would likely be given Micro-In-       laboration with Social Clubs, Display of Product Banners in
surance Products like Gramin Swasthya Bima, Gramin              Melas / Social & Cultural Functions, joint adoption of vil-
Surakshya Policy which would create volume of business.         lages with NGOs with a provision for Rural Insurance Input
Besides, individual policies like Jan Arogya Polcy, Gramin Ac-  Expense.
cident Policy would be the principal component.
                                                                Strategies for insuring the poor under micro-health
Distribution Channel:                                           insurance:

Product Distribution would be facilitated through:              1. Making the premium affordable:
                                                                     Price, especially in the form of annual premium to be
G NGOs, SHG,                                                         paid in one go, can make healthcare cover out of reach
G Local Clubs, Gram Panchayats,                                      of many, especially wage earners. In the case of the
G Public Health Centres(PHCs), Educational Institutions,             poor; it acts as a major barrier owing to their little or
G Cooperative Banks, Gramin Banks, Credit Coop.Soc.,                 no saving. Several steps to ease the burden could be
G Post Office, Micro-Insurance Agents, Rural Agents                  considered:
G Rural Representatives, Milk Coop.Socities,                         a) Keeping the sum insured low: For instance a model
G Rural Development Dept. of Government like DRDA,                        has been worked out in a taluk of Karnataka where
                                                                          the sum insured is as low as Rs.2,500/- and the
     IRDP.                                                                premium is only Rs.30 and the scheme is found to
G Various types of "Trusts".                                              be viable and popular.
G Employers’ organizations.
G Health Providers & various other third parties related             b) However for the persons other than the poorest
                                                                          who are in remote places, a very low sum insured
     to health insurance                                                  would be meaningless, particularly if private
                                                                          healthcare has to be utilized. Experience shows
Infrasturcture / Organisational Structure                                 that the sum insured of around Rs. 30,000 would
/ Logistics:                                                              be suitable for majority of the treatments, except
                                                                          for the major critical illnesses, if taken in a low cost
This aspect shall be specific to Layers of Offices such as                hospital.
INSURANCE CELL. Satellite Office:- Two Employees to be               c) Additionally, floating the sum insured over the
posted and the Office would be in Talukas Place. At least                 family helps to cover more persons at low per
Three Talukas in every District is chosen as Potential Satel-             capita premium.
lite Office.
                                                                     d) Pegging the price in line with an everyday expense
HR Issues & Initiatives:                                                  such as bus fare, a daily food item, etc. or a rate
                                                                          like Re. 1 per day (in line with the Universal Health
At village level, NGO Personnel will act as our Rural Repre-              Insurance Scheme) can help to move the percep-

                      The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.

Life Insurance Today  February 2016                                      13

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